Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
a-tale.txt 7323 | STORY: A Tale of Family Affairs
| aadenhrt.txt | 30572 | EROTICA: Hurting Aaden
| abdbride.txt | 21481 | EROTICA: Abducting the Bride by Black Demon
| abduct.txt | 5500 | EROTICA: Abducted! By the "Animal Lover"
| abduct1.txt | 44554 | EROTICA: The Abduction by "The Writer"
| abduct2.txt | 16359 | EROTICA: The Abduction by "The Writer" (Part II)
| abducted.txt | 3281 | EROTICA: Abducted!
| abfh1b.txt | 15888 | EROTICA: Anderson's Training
| abfh1d.txt | 18179 | EROTICA: Anderson's Training
| abfh1f.txt | 21194 | EROTICA: Anderson's Training
| about.txt | 11524 | EROTICA: About Small Packages, by Christine M. Faltz (1994)
| abouttm2.txt | 7427 | EROTICA: It's About Time - 2 + 3
| abused.txt | 6400 | EROTICA: Abused, by Karyn Risini
| accident.txt | 4511 | EROTICA: Accident
| accounts.txt | 7972 | EROTICA: Doing the Accounts
| acctpay.txt | 13043 | EROTICA: Accounts Payable, by Lester Izmoore
| acguy.txt | 11882 | STORY: The Air Conditioner Guy
| acidrain.txt | 11543 | EROTICA: Acid Raid, by Frank T. Gilson
| acloset.txt | 9448 | EROTICA: A Closet View, by David Lee and Karen
| acresofd.txt | 74859 | EROTICA: Acres of Diamond
| action.txt | 4868 | EROTICA: Action in the Woods, by Rick Restless
| actress.txt | 19844 | EROTICA: Familiar Faces - A True Encounter
| actwoods.txt | 4852 | EROTICA: Action in the Woods by Rick Restless and Derek Higgins
| adam.txt | 53821 | EROTICA: Adam
| adambbro.txt | 39801 | EROTICA: Adam's Big Brother
| adayinth.txt | 13776 | EROTICA: A Day in the Life of Suzy Jenkins, an Erotic Story
| adcaning.txt | 29445 | EROTICA: A Daughter's Caning
| addict1.txt | 40431 | EROTICA: The Addiction, by Baron Darkside (1998)
| addict2.txt | 48786 | EROTICA: The Addiction, by Baron Darkside
| adltfilm.txt | 5452 | STORY: Roger Vladimir Adult Films
| admiral.txt | 13606 | EROTICA: Starfleet's Greatest Thrill
| admision.txt | 22934 | EROTICA: The Admission
| adonis.txt | 4436 | EROTICA: Adonis
| adult-bk.txt | 10915 | STORY: Adult Bookstore
| adult1.txt | 12098 | EROTICA: Summer Fantasy by Robert C. Smith (ANSI, Corrupted)
| adults1.txt | 12961 | EROTICA: A Night to Remember, by James Charles Lynn
| adumov.txt | 2077 | EROTICA: List of Good Adult Movies
| adventsusan.txt | 88877 | EROTICA: The Adventures of Susan by Drifter (1997)
| adventur.txt | 21998 | EROTICA: Adventure, by Ted Wagner (1993)
| advert1.txt | 8378 | EROTICA: Advertiser's Chronicles Part One by J.J.
| advertis.txt | 19072 | EROTICA: Advertising for a Master
| aejb.txt | 8662 | EROTICA: Segment, by Felix Dartmouth
| aejn.txt | 6623 | EROTICA: Segment, by Felix Dartmouth
| aejo.txt | 5482 | EROTICA: Segment, by Felix Dartmouth
| aejq.txt | 8418 | EROTICA: Segment, by Felix Dartmouth
| aerobic.txt | 18696 | EROTICA: Aerobic Mom
| aerobic1.txt | 35428 | EROTICA: Aerobic is Good for your Sex Life, by Wyvern
| aeroclas.txt | 28695 | EROTICA: The Aerobics Class, by Joshua A. Laff (June 17, 1994)
| afantasy.txt | 9187 | EROTICA: A Fantasy
| africa.txt | 19693 | EROTICA: Judicial Canings in Africa
| african.txt | 78408 | EROTICA: African Drums
| afschool.txt | 7531 | EROTICA: After-School Special
| after.txt | 6277 | EROTICA: After, by Deirdre (February 15, 1995)
| | 5261 | EROTICA: The Long Wait, by Sagi Tzur
| after4.txt | 148317 | EROTICA: After School
| afterglo.txt | 8064 | STORY: Just For You
| afterhrs | 5393 | EROTICA: After Hours
| afterhrs.txt | 5418 | STORY: After Hours Ass by the Dungeonmaster
| aftersch.txt | 16364 | EROTICA: After School Special
| afterschool.txt | 145773 | EROTIC STORY: After School
| afthrass.txt | 5592 | EROTICA: After Hours Ass, by DM Products (1987)
| aftndlit.txt | 18943 | EROTICA: Afternoon Delight, by Grizz
| aftrgame.txt | 5004 | EROTICA: After the Game
| aftschol.txt | 7753 | EROTICA: After School Special: A Penthouse Forum (1991)
| aftwork.txt | 2419 | EROTICA: After Work
| against.txt | 29873 | EROTICA: Against All Odds
| agent.txt | 14208 | STORY: The PLED
| agrabah.txt | 15665 | EROTICA: A Cold and Lonely Night in Agrabah
| agrape-1.txt | 6132 | EROTICA: A Grape 1: Why is a Grape Like a Nipple?
| agreemt.txt | 14342 | EROTICA: The Agreement
| aidan.txt | 12216 | EROTICA: Aidan's Muse
| airborne.txt | 20115 | EROTICA: Airborne Express
| airfling.txt | 13304 | EROTICA: The Air Fling
| airplane | 14336 | STORY: Chrissy on the Airplane
| airplane.txt | 13440 | EROTICA: In the Airplane
| airport.txt | 3771 | EROTICA: The Airport Saga
| airscrew.txt | 15713 | EROTICA: Air Screw, Or How I Joined the Six Mile High Club, by Pete Fox
| airstart.txt | 11427 | STORY: Airstart by NixPixer Feather Bender
| airubber.txt | 339690 | EROTICA: Adventures in Rubber
| al&mary.txt | 110400 | EROTICA: Al and Mary
| al1.txt | 11638 | EROTICA: Al and Alicia
| alan.txt | 90773 | EROTICA: Alan
| alana.txt | 24753 | EROTICA: Alana, by She Devil
| alcatras.txt | 6943 | |