RANDOM ACTS It was the stupidest thing he'd done in a long time. At least, the stupidest thing he'd done since breakfast. At times Julian Bashir annoyed even himself. Getting drunk on his father's 80-year-old cognac--the old man's way of bonding with his only son. Every six months or so Julian would receive a package from his father. It always contained the same thing. The cognac, and a data chip message. **Message in a bottle.** The words resonated in a singsong fashion in his head. Julian thought that was very funny. Of course, he had also thought it funny, in his inebriated state, to saunter down to Quark's bar, and pick a fight with Morn. Quark's most loyal customer was quiet, and unassuming. But he didn't take kindly to the young human's drunken bravado, and he never backed off from a direct challenge when it was offered up. Of course, Morn outweighed the doctor by at least 200 pounds, and ended the confrontation swiftly with a single blow to the ribs. Julian went flying halfway across the room, crashing into Rom, a tray of drinks, and a table of four. Luckily Garak stepped in before any more damage could be done--to the doctor, the customers, or the furniture. He slipped Quark a few strips of latinum to keep his mouth shut. Then he hustled the wobbly young man out of the bar before any of his senior officers saw him. Garak deposited Julian on his bed, after practically carrying him the whole way to his quarters. While the Cardassian searched for the doctor's med kit, Julian moaned in agony from the pain in his ribs, and the bigger pain in his head. He drew himself up into a fetal position, and prayed he'd die before the morning senior staff meeting. "Living *down* to your expectations, daddy," he mumbled to himself. He could just imagine what his father would say now. He visualized that certain look on the old man's face. That sight made him giggle-- which made his ribs hurt worse. "Is that what this is all about?" Garak asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed, two hypos in hand. When Julian failed to answer, he simply said, "You left the data chip in your terminal." If Julian could muster the inclination, he'd be angry with Garak for reading his personal mail. Of course, he didn't have the strength, or the stomach, to let it concern him right now. Besides, Garak knew better than anyone the true nature of Julian's relationship with his father. And that was Julian's fault. A product of his own mindless prattle to an unconscious Garak. The doctor's special form of bedside manner, to keep his friend rooted in the living after performing surgery upon return from Cardassia, and Enabrin Tain. If truth be told, Julian had used the opportunity to perform a bit of surgery on his own bruised psyche. The comatose Garak seemed a safe, and reassuring sounding board. How was he to know the tailor would remember every word upon wakening. After his initial embarrassment, Julian actually found comfort in Garak's knowing. Besides, the doctor knew better than anyone how well Garak could keep a secret. "What's that?" Julian mumbled, indicating the hypos. He tried desperately to swallow the bile building in his throat. "Well, my foolish Doctor," Garak started. "One's a mild pain killer--your ribs will thank me later." He administered the first hypo into the base of Julian's neck. "And this other is an anti-emesis medication." "Uh, ohhh . . . too late." Julian sprang from the bed, despite the protest from his ribs, and bolted for the bathroom. He groaned at the reflection in the mirror. Julian felt asinine. He hadn't gotten that sick since his first year of college. He splashed some water on his face, and ran a hand through his hair. Then he brushed his teeth, and gargled to remove the vile taste from his mouth. 80-year-old cognac never tasted as smooth coming up as it did going down. Julian noticed some spittle on the shirt of his uniform. He hastily brushed at it, and shook his head. "Stupid . . . stupid." He started unzipping the jumpsuit as he walked back into the bedroom. He stopped suddenly when he noticed Garak still sitting on the edge of the bed. Julian had forgotten he was there. "I'd suggest you get out of that thing as soon as possible," Garak said, standing and walking over to the doctor. Julian couldn't meet his eye, and instead looked down at his uniform. "Yeah, I, uh . . . I guess I got sick on myself." "Youth." Garak seemed quite amused. "I guess you won't be needing this now." He handed Julian the second hypo. The doctor blushed furiously, feeling quite humiliated. "Uh, Garak, I, um . . . I really ought to thank you . . ." Julian stammered, still unable to face the tailor. "I don't know what got into me." "About two to three-hundred milliliters of straight alcohol, I would estimate." The chide did nothing to improve Julian's spirits. He felt worse now than before. Garak chuckled at the doctor's discomfort. "Now, now, Doctor, you wouldn't be the first young man to make a fool of himself in a bar. In a place like Quark's it's sure to be the highlight of the evening. Besides, I seem to remember you coming to my rescue when I was in a *similar* state of affairs . . . about six months back." Julian looked up to meet the smile on Garak's face. He knew his friend was trying to make him feel better, and he had to admit it helped. "Well, thank you anyway." "You're welcome. Now, I think we should get this off you." Garak reached out to pull down the zipper on Julian's uniform. The doctor jumped. Garak paused, with his hand on Julian's chest. "Relax, Doctor, I'm quite used to helping my customers on and off with their clothes." "B-but I can do it." Julian's hands started shaking, followed by the rest of his lean form. His body's reaction to the rapid loss of fluids. He broke out into a cold sweat, and blanched. Garak couldn't fail to notice his condition. "I'm not so sure about that. I can do this more quickly than you in your present state. Then you can get into bed and sleep it off." Without waiting for objections Garak unzipped the top half of the jumpsuit, and slipped it over Julian's thin shoulders. He gently backed the young man to the foot of the bed, sat him down, and took off his boots and socks. The jumpsuit quickly followed. Julian soon found Garak's actions soothing, and himself drifting into reverie. When Garak reached underneath the shirt to pull it over his head, Julian was reminded of a time when he was a child--late in the evening, and his father, helping him on with his pajamas. One of those random acts of tenderness. All his interactions with his father Julian could break down into random acts--acts of kindness, and of derision. Random acts of violence. Julian closed his eyes and shuddered. Garak mistook the action for physical discomfort. "Do you want me to get something stronger for the pain?" Garak asked. "There's nothing that strong." Julian's voice sounded far away to his own ears. Garak looked warily at his young friend. He placed his hands on Julian's shoulders. The doctor opened his eyes, and looked groggily into Garak's face. There he saw compassion, and it warmed him. And Garak's touch was comforting--and something else. Something familiar. Something he was missing. Julian suddenly realized he was sitting there in nothing but his briefs. He felt flush--but not from embarrassment. Garak was taken aback. His immediate concern for Julian was quickly replaced by momentary confusion. He wasn't sure, but Garak thought he recognized *want* in the young man's eyes. It was unexpected. The two men held their gaze a few, long, seconds more. Garak swore he could hear his heart pounding. Then he broke the contact. He dropped his hands from Julian's shoulders, and said, "Rokassa juice." Now it was Julian's turn to be confused. "What?" The tailor turned and walked to the replicator. "Rokassa juice, Doctor. I definitely think you could use some Rokassa juice. It's very soothing, to the stomach--and the nerves. You know how it soothes my nerves. In fact, I think I'll have a glass myself." Garak was aware he was babbling. But the simple act of ordering from the replicator gave him time to collect his thoughts--and to convince himself he had misinterpreted the doctor's expression. After all, the young man was still slightly intoxicated. Garak silently cursed his own foolishness. Julian's musings completely forgotten, he groaned. "No Rokassa juice, please, Garak. I can't get past the smell." Garak walked back to Julian, with a glass in each hand. "No arguments, my friend." He handed one to the doctor. "I promise it tastes altogether different than it smells." Julian grimaced, but thought it rude not to try some. After all, Garak was trying to help him. He held his breath and swallowed a sip. The taste was unusual--sweeter than he would have believed from the pungent smell. He had to admit, it wasn't bad. The men drank their juice in silence. Julian quickly drained his glass, then stared uncomfortably at the sediment left on the bottom. Garak watched him closely. He knew he should leave now, and let the doctor get some sleep. But for some reason, he found he did not want to go. As if he could hear his thoughts, Julian looked up and caught the older man's eye. Garak became self-conscious, and clumsily placed his glass on the bedside table. "I should go now, so you can rest." "You don't have to go." Julian couldn't believe he said it. He wasn't even sure why he said it. He only knew he didn't want to be alone. The need to be with someone was suddenly overwhelming. If Garak went now, Julian would be left with only his thoughts to keep him company. And Julian didn't want to have to think right now. It was too agonizing. "Garak," he started. "Aren't you ever lonely? I mean, *really* lonely?" The question startled the tailor, and he laughed bitterly. "My dear, Doctor," he spat. What kind of a game are you playing?" Julian was immediately sorry he said it. Of course Garak was lonely. Exiled from his home, for God knows what reason-- Julian was sure he'd never know the true story. Surrounded by Bajorans who would never trust him, never accept him. With only Julian to provide him any real friendship. At least, Julian hoped they were friends. When he first met Garak, he was convinced the Cardassian was using him to gather information. But, Julian quickly came to realize how inane an idea that was. Who was he? A junior officer, fresh from the Academy. His head full of rules and regulations, and medical database--nothing more. When Garak almost died from the implant addiction, Julian was frantic to keep the tailor alive. He discovered he had come to depend on Garak's company more than he realized, and that they were indeed friends. And now, he was taking advantage of that friendship--of Garak's loneliness. "I-I'm sorry, Garak. I don't know why I said that. I mean . . .I just--I thought you'd understand how I was feeling." Julian's twisted his hands nervously in his lap. "Sometimes I think there's no one I can open up to--no one who really understands me. You know what that's like." Julian looked coyly at Garak. The older man held his expression in check, and gave no indication of a response. Julian suddenly wondered where he was going with this. He looked down at his lap, and said, in almost a whisper, "I--I don't want to be alone . . . tonight. I just want to be with someone who cares--about *me*." Though Garak's expression was unflinching, his mind was racing, and his mouth had gone dry. Was this young man asking what he thought he was? Could it be possible, after all this time? Garak fought to think logically. When he could trust himself to speak, he said, "You mean like one of your lady friends?" Julian smiled weakly. "Something like that." He paused before continuing. "Except, there's no one--special--right now. No one like . . ." His words trailed off. If Julian really wanted to, tried hard enough, he could probably meet someone--on the Promenade, or at Quark's. He wasn't that unsuccessful. Occasionally a woman would pass through his life--for a day, or two--maybe a few. A couple precious weeks perhaps. And then she'd be gone. The last serious relationship he had was over a year ago. The Elaysian woman had come and gone before he knew what hit him--or how hard it hit him. But, nothing like that since. And now--now he didn't know what he wanted--what he was asking for. He had never put himself in this situation before. It simply never came up. All he could think about, right now, was of a conversation with Dax. When the Trill had tried to point out an *aspect* of Garak's relationship with the young human he wasn't aware of. He disbelieved it at first. He couldn't imagine Garak having those feelings about him. Not that the thought offended him. Julian had no prejudices about other people's preferences in matters of intimacy. He only knew he had never given Garak any reason to have those thoughts, and innocently assumed there was no cause to think he that he would. Julian later considered Dax's words; and wondered, only then, what it might be like. After all, he was curious about sexuality. It was a young man's preoccupation. Julian had even gone to the extent of reading whatever literature he could find on Cardassian sexual practices. Interestingly enough, he found the culture to be comparable to that of the ancient Romans of earth history. While formal, married unions were rigidly monogamous and heterosexual, same-sex relationships for recreational purposes were common, and readily accepted in most Cardassian societies. Very often a young Cardassian's first sexual encounter was with one of his or her own sex. The practice was encouraged, to cut down on unwanted pregnancies among the young, and unmarried. What started out as a simple pursuit of knowledge, had become, at times, a source of fantasy for Julian--when he was in between relationships--and feeling particularly vulnerable. After all, there was something enticing about being with someone as strong, or stronger, than himself. Erotic--and, strangely, secure. Having come this far, Julian thought he may as well say it. Besides, the worst Garak could say was *no*. At least, that's what Julian hoped was the worst that could happen. "Garak, don't you . . . well, Dax said . . ." Julian took a breath. This was harder than he thought. Garak steeled himself to hear it. He wanted to hear it. "What are you trying to say, Doctor?" Garak fought to keep himself from screaming out the words. "I thought--thought you had . . . certain feelings--for me. Certain . . . *desires*. Y-you can tell me. I don't mind. I mean, I--I suspected. And Dax, well, she said you did, er, you do. I mean . . ." Julian bit his lip to stop his rambling. He sighed. "I'd really like to know how you feel, Garak. The truth." It was probably as close to a direct request as he was going to get, at this rate. Garak, never eager to tip his hand, was also loathe to let opportunity pass him by. And this was an opportunity he never dared hoped he get. He walked over, and sat down next to Julian on the bed. "Truth is ambiguous. Which *truth* do you want to hear?" Julian, finally exasperated, blurted out, "Do you want to stay--here--tonight, or not?" "Do you know what you're asking, my dear Doc--Julian?" "Yes," Julian said, with a little more confidence. "I admit, I don't have a *lot* of experience--with same-sex relationships." Julian blushed again, and turned his head. "Or *any", he admitted. He turned back to see Garak smiling at him, not unkindly. "But, I am a quick learner." Julian returned the smile, a little impishly. Garak reached up and slipped his hand behind Julian's slender neck. He gently leaned in and rested his cheek against the doctor's. Their lips brushed together, but Garak made no move to kiss him. They simply rested there, each feeling the other's breath. Without pulling back Garak softly said, "Perhaps we can both learn something." He paused, and then asked, "Are you doing this to punish your father?" Julian's breathing was rapid. "No," he whispered against Garak's lips. "Yes . . . maybe. Does it matter?" "Not really," the tailor admitted. And with that he pressed firmly against Julian's mouth, and gave him a long, full kiss. It was soft, tender, and more erotic than the younger man had expected. He sought out Garak's tongue with his own, teasing, and entwining with it. Julian leaned in against Garak, wrapping one arm around the small of his back. With his other hand he stroked the large vein on one side of Garak's neck. The older man moaned, and Julian found himself becoming very aroused at the sound. The two men continued to kiss, delighting in the simple, luscious, act for several more seconds, minutes--an eternity. Finally Garak broke the contact, with more than a little reluctance. He cupped the young man's face in his hands. The two looked at each other, their breathing as hard as if they had run a marathon. Julian leaned in to kiss the Cardassian again. But Garak held him off by dropping his hands to grip Julian's shoulders. "I think I'm a little over-dressed for the occasion," the tailor remarked. He reached further down to brush against Julian's erection, pressing firmly against the thin material of his briefs. The doctor gasped, and nodded quickly in understanding. He started unbuttoning Garak's jacket, his fingers fumbling nervously. The Cardassian took some pleasure in the young man's first-time unease. But his own ardor soon got the better of him, and he impatiently wrenched the jacket off, and then his shirt. Garak stood to remove his pants, and Julian watched him intensely. The older man delighted in his scrutiny. When he was completely naked, he stood there in silence for the doctor's inspection. Julian took the opportunity to appraise Garak from head to foot. The Cardassian was broad, but firm. The large neck cartilage tapered to the shoulders, and blended into a slightly reptilian pattern of the skin there. The same skin pattern was repeated in splashes about the body--at the large pectorals, the thighs, calves, and faintly about the buttocks. The rest of Garak's skin was smooth, and the overall color had a grey hue. From the shoulders two thin ribbings ran down his sides, to end at the small of the back. There was no hair on his body, not even at the pubis. Garak's penis, erect, and much larger than Julian's own, was protected by a thick foreskin; and the heavy scrotum, too, was covered by a thicker membrane. Julian felt his own sex grow harder at the sight. Tiny beads of sweat broke out on his upper lip, and his heart was pounding. Julian had never thought he could find another man arousing--especially one so different from himself. Unconsciously, he licked his lips. Garak enjoyed watching Julian's reaction. He said, "You've seen all this before, of course. In the infirmary." "Not quite like this," the doctor answered. "And certainly not under these circumstances." He got up and pushed his briefs off to release his own rigid sex. He kicked the garment across the floor, and walked over to stand chest to chest with the Cardassian. Julian ran his hands over the skin there, and found it cool, like smooth kid leather. The sensation was not at all unpleasant. The two men embraced, and kissed again--probing-- more hungrily than before. They ground their hips together, and rubbed their erections against each other. Julian broke off from Garak's lips and nibbled at his neck. The Cardassian dropped his head back and relished in the sensation of Julian's tongue and teeth in that most sensitive area. He gripped the young man's smooth, tight, backside with both hands, hard enough to lift him onto his toes. Julian countered by running his fingers along the veins at Garak's ribs, stopping to leisurely caress the reptilian skin on his buttocks. Then he slid his hands around to grab his erection, gently pushing the foreskin back to stroke the smoother, more sensitive shaft underneath. Garak growled low, and soft. He reached for Julian's own pert sex, gathering the balls in one hand, and tickling the fine, ebony curls with the other. Garak looked down with curiosity as he massaged Julian's penis. "This is different," he stated simply. Julian found it hard to concentrate on words. His head swam from the stimulation. "You mean," he breathed, "you mean the circumcision? Mmmmm. It's--it's an old practice. The foreskin is, ahhhh . . . is removed at birth . . . for religious, or--or sanitary customs." Both men continued to stroke each other. They lazily kissed, or nipped at each other's tongues. Julian suddenly cried out with a start when Garak gave his scrotum a hard squeeze. Garak looked abashed, and quickly dropped his hands. "I'm sorry. I thought you'd like that." Julian gripped the Cardassian's upper arms while he caught his breath. He gave the man a feeble smile. "It's alright. It's just that--I'm a little more sensitive--there. Not as much padding as you, I guess. You probably like it a lot harder." Garak cradled the doctor's face in his strong hands. "With me you can be rough. But I will try to be--gentler, with you." He gave the young man a tender, almost chaste, kiss. "I don't want to hurt you, Julian." The doctor melted at the words, and tears came unbidden to his eyes. "I know, Elim," he whispered. Julian fell into Garak's brawny arms, and laid his head against his chest. The Cardassian held him tight, and the two men stood like this in silence for several long minutes. Garak stroked Julian's hair lightly, as he would a child--running his fingers through the soft curls on the nape of the neck. With his other hand he massaged his lean back, delighting in the silky feel of his skin--so much like the finest silk from Kraus IV. And the color--much darker, almost golden. It was such a contrast to his own, pale skin. Julian quivered at Garak's gentle caress, and sighed blissfully. Then, slowly, he pulled back from the embrace, giving Garak a coquettish look. Julian walked back to the bed, and said, "Come here." Garak was on him before he knew it, grasping his slender waist with both hands, and pushing him back onto the bed under his own, bulky frame. The two men tossed around in a frenzy, kissing, and nibbling each other all over. On the neck, under the arms, at Julian's nipples and Garak's breastplate, inside the thighs, and behind the scrotum. Both thrilled in the discovery of the commonalities in their pleasure zones. With some effort, Julian rolled on top of Garak. His sex throbbed with the need for release. He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, and positioned his penis over Garak's mouth, brushing against the cheek. His eyes, clouded with lust, pleaded silently. Garak growled again, licking the drops of fluid at the head. He opened his mouth, and swallowed the organ up to the hilt. Julian closed his eyes, threw his head back, and moaned. Garak grabbed the doctor's buttocks, and rocked him slowly, back and forth inside his mouth, sucking strong and hard. The sensation sent Julian's mind reeling. He had never experience anything quite as intense with a woman in the same position. He broke into a sweat, and cried out in time with each thrust inside the Cardassian's hot mouth. Julian could feel the tension knotting in his groin--the tightness building to a crescendo. Finally he reached his climax, and exploded with an inarticulate shout, and a spurt of semen down Garak's throat. The tailor swallowed the warm fluid eagerly. Julian trembled in place from the force of the orgasm. Once spent, the doctor flopped down atop Garak's body. He lay there contently, until his heart and breathing paced to normal. Julian felt Garak's sex, still hard, against his stomach. With a jolt he realized his friend remained unsatisfied. "Oh Elim," he sighed, and kissed the Cardassian full on the lips. He could smell his own musky scent on the other's man's breath. Julian slid down Garak's body until the tailor's large member was at his lips. Gently he pushed the foreskin back, and tickled the head with his tongue. He took it into his mouth and, remembering Garak's desire for roughness, scrapped his teeth up and down the shaft. The Cardassian moaned and writhed, clutching Julian's head with his hands. The doctor squeezed the balls hard, and quickened the motions of his tongue and mouth. Once or twice he bit the head, which inflamed Garak more. Julian was so intent on giving him as much as he'd been given that, when Garak finally came, the astonishment he felt at tasting another man didn't hit him until later, when he lay dozing in the tailor's arms. Garak lay back complacently, arms folded behind his head. Julian stretched out beside him, propped up on one elbow. He grinned at the Cardassian. "And what, dear boy, do you find so amusing?" Garak asked. "Nothing. It's just that . . . well, this is very-- different. Certainly not what I'm used to." "I see. And did you not find it--agreeable?" Julian blushed. "I think you know I did. I just never expected to--that's all." Garak smiled indulgently. The doctor thought for a moment, then asked, "Which do you prefer?" The tailor looked puzzled. "Prefer? What do you mean?" "You know," Julian started. "Men or women?" Garak laughed, and Julian turned even redder. "At this stage in my life, preference is overshadowed by availability." He hastened to add, "Or opportunity." "I'm sorry." The young man felt foolish. "I keep saying stupid things. It's my worst flaw. I guess . . . I *am* pretty naive. Everyone thinks so." Julian lay back and looked sullenly at the ceiling. Garak rolled over to face him. He placed his hand gently on the doctor's chest. "Don't discount your naivety. On the contrary, I find it to be rather--appealing." He bent down and kissed the young man, and was rewarded with a beatific smile. Julian wrapped his arms around Garak, and pulled him in for another kiss--deep and passionate. Then he tenderly trailed kisses all over the ribbings on the Cardassian's face and ears. Garak reveled in the young man's attentions. After their first encounter, Garak thought the doctor's need would have been sated. But soon the two men were rubbing against each other, groping and licking until they were fully aroused. Finally Garak whispered, "Julian, I want to be inside you." The sudden request heightened the ache in Julian's loins. It both thrilled and unnerved him. He wanted to please Garak-- and the thought of being taken by him was exciting. But it was also a bit frightening. Hesitantly he rolled onto his stomach. The Cardassian, however, recognized the trepidation in his friend. He slipped one strong arm underneath Julian's chest, and scooped him up into a kneeling position. "Let's try it like this," he said. "Lean into the wall, and brace yourself against it. I think you'll find it easier." Garak didn't want to have to place his full weight on the slighter man. Both to avoid the recent injury to his ribs, and to stall the panic Julian may experience being pinned, and unable to move. Julian positioned himself as Garak instructed. The Cardassian knelt behind him. He felt the other man's hands caressing his backside, and stretching the anus with his fingers. The doctor breathed deeply, and tried to relax. He concentrated on how good Garak's hands felt. Julian looked over his shoulder. "Elim, will you use a lubricant?" he asked, sheepishly. Garak smiled back at him. "Of course. I almost forgot." He fought the temptation to slam into him, his ardor for the young man almost unbearable. If this were another Cardassian lover, he would not be so patient. But, this was Julian--more delicate, and inexperienced. "Do you have something around here? I'm afraid I didn't come prepared for this evening's--encounter." Without shifting his pose, Julian nodded toward the table beside the bed. "Umm, I think there may be something in the drawer there." He shivered ever so slightly. Garak pressed the release for the drawer, and pulled out a small, azure bottle. He removed the top and poured some of the contents into his palm. The lotion felt oily, the scent was clean and somewhat herbal. "It's a massaging lotion," Julian started to explain. "Left by a, uh, a friend." "One with very nimble fingers, no doubt." Garak was amused to see, after all they'd been through, Julian could still get flustered. He rubbed the lotion thoroughly at the entrance of the anus, and as far inside as his finger would go. He reached between Julian's legs, and used more to coat the shaft of his semi-erect sex. The lotion was cool at first touch, but tingled and grew warm very quickly. Julian let out a low moan. "Mmmmm, that feels good," he said, in barely more than a whisper. Garak tossed the bottle to the floor. He pushed back the foreskin on his own member, and pressed it against the doctor's buttocks. He leaned against Julian's back and asked, gently, "Are you ready?" "Yes, please," the young man breathed. Garak began to push inside Julian, slowly. He wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist, and pulled him back toward his hips. Julian gasped, and held his breath as he felt himself being stretched and filled. He no longer supported himself against the wall. Garak held him fast against his broad chest, his hips flush against the doctor's backside. Julian released his breath in quick, short bursts. He reached one arm behind him, and grabbed onto Garak's muscular neck. If Garak was not holding him upright, Julian's knees would have buckled beneath him. The sensation of holding Garak inside him was dizzying, burning--potent. A trickle of sweat slide down his sternum. With a shock he realized he was fully hard. His eyes fluttered closed, and he cried out once, "Oh God . . ." Garak began to thrust, slowly, inside the doctor. The experience was just as intense for him, were he to admit it to Julian. The doctor was tight--almost virginal--alighting every nerve ending in his groin. And it had been so long for the Cardassian. The desire to come was almost immediate. He felt Julian begin to rock back against him, in time with his own motions. The doctor dropped his head back on Garak's shoulder. He sought out the Cardassian's sensitive cartilage with his tongue. Garak bit, and sucked on Julian's neck, delighting in the salty taste of the sweat that matted the curls of his hair there. Julian ran his tongue and teeth up and down Garak's large neck vein. He twisted his hips a little faster now, a little harder. A growl resonated from deep inside Garak's throat. Julian had become addicted to that sound. It sent chills tickling up his spine. Suddenly, Garak stopped. He grabbed Julian's waist to still his undulations. "W-what . . ." was all the doctor managed to pant out, frustrated at the break in rhythm just starting to build. Garak breathed heavily in the young man's ear. "You're so tight . . ." He took a few more breaths. "I'm afraid I may finish all too soon." Another pause. "I want to enjoy you, as long as possible." Garak clung to Julian, desperately trying to slow the rate of his breathing, and still the throbbing in his sex. Julian arched his neck to meet the other man's mouth, opening it with his tongue. They knelt there as they were, Garak still deep inside him, and savored again the simple act of kissing. The silence in the room was interrupted only by the wet sounds of their mouths caressing. Garak ran his hands over Julian's firm stomach, and up his chest to stop and pinch the nipples hard. The slight pain sent a jolt of pleasure buzzing through the doctor's sex. He reached back to grip the tailor's strong thighs, scrapping his nails over the reptilian skin there. Despite Garak's need for restraint, Julian pushed back against him, driving the Cardassian deeper, to touch his most sensitive inner recesses. He reached for his own erection, with the intent to masturbate. "No, don't", Garak pleaded. He pushed the young man's hands away, and gripped the swollen member himself. With one good thrust he pushed Julian back up against the wall. The doctor hugged the hard surface, burying his head in his forearms. Garak plunged once, twice, three times with as much moderation as he could sustain. But soon he was hammering into Julian--all sense of reason blotted by a more base, animal drive. Garak clung to Julian's back, warm and wet against his own sweaty bulk. He tautly embraced the doctor's thighs and buttocks between his hips. Julian bucked wildly back and forth, taking the Cardassian in deeper, and hotter. Garak squeezed and stroked Julian's sex, harder and faster in pace with his own urgent pounding. The tailor's strong hand motions seemed to inflame the remnants of the oily lotion still clinging to his penis. The intense stimulation, coming from inside and outside his body, threw Julian's senses into overload. He thrashed with abandon, ignoring the pang in his muscles. He felt the tensing of his sex, close now to the breaking point. Julian moaned loudly. The sound met with Garak's own wordless cries. Soon Julian could not distinguish between his own voice and that of the Cardassian's. Garak came with such force he slammed the young man flush against the wall. He jerked up tightly on Julian's member, bringing him almost simultaneously. With two hard spasms, Garak emptied himself inside the doctor. Julian spilled his semen out, flowing into the tailor's hands. Both men groaned, and shuddered from the release. Their sweat mingled together--hot where the flesh touched, icy as it dripped off their bodies, and met with the cool air. When the room stopped spinning, Garak slumped back onto the bed, still clutching Julian to his chest. He wrapped one arm and leg around the younger man, not wanting to relinquish the feel of his silky, warm body against him. Julian sighed, and huddled in tight as he could. That simple action caused protest from his stiffened muscles. He ached all over; and yet, felt more content than he had in a long time. And infinitely safer. Exhaustion overcame him quickly. Julian drifted off to sleep, lulled by the faint snores in his ear from an equally spent Garak, already in slumber. Sometime later Garak lay in drowsy meditation, still curled against Julian's back. The doctor slept peacefully, and securely in his embrace. Though Garak normally found the station temperature to be cold and uncomfortable, at this particular moment he thought he had never felt so warm. He glanced up at the chronometer in the wall above Julian's bed. The alarm was set to go off in three hours. The doctor had a schedule to keep, an important position, a career. *And what do you have to look forward to?* The tailor silently mused. A clothier shop on the promendade of a Bajoran- owned space station. If he failed to open his store for a day, or a week, he knew it wouldn't really matter. He wouldn't be missed. But once he was like this young man. He had status, respect . . . a life. And now? A decision made. It was too late for regrets. But if he were who he used to be, he could take this beautiful boy to his home on Cardassia Prime. He would delight in showing off his world. They could enjoy the intellectual and artistic pursuits. They would engage in stimulating debate. They would have all the time in the universe. He snapped himself out the reckless fantasy. *Foolish old man,* he thought bitterly. All he could hope for now was that he hadn't lost the one thing--the one person--who made this insufferable life tolerable. The one friend he had for lightyears. Had he taken advantage of Julian's despondency, his self-inflicted ridicule? Yes, of course he had. He seized the opportunity to appease his own anquish, regardless of the consequences. And soon would have to face those. Garak looked back to the chronometer. Two hours to go. He pondered how humans were more uncertain in sexual matters than Cardassians. Especially young humans. They took it far more seriously. Too often it was the cause of misunderstanding. Garak didn't want there to be misunderstanding between himself and Julian. Reluctantly, he slipped out of the cozy embrace, careful not to disturb the sleeping young man. Julian unconsciously felt the shift in the bed, and stirred. He mumbled something unintelligible, but did not awaken. Garak rose quickly, and searched for his clothes scattered on the floor. As he dressed, he devised a course of action. What he would say, how he would act. He thought perhaps it would be best if he avoided Julian for a few days. Kept to himself, stayed busy. And then, casually meet up again with the doctor one day in the replimat. They wouldn't discuss this night--he wouldn't bring it up. Garak would ask about Julian's day. Or, better still, act as though he were trying to obtain some vital piece of information from him. Some mysterious, innocuous, bit of gossip. Garak groaned inwardly. Once dressed, the Cardassian started to slip out of the room. He hesitated to look back at Julian, sprawled invitingly on the bed. He walked over and carefully pulled the cover over the young man, up to his waist. Then, despite himself, he gently brushed his fingers over the wisps of hair above Julian's brow. The doctor's eyes drifted open, and he looked up at Garak drowsily. The lazy smile in his eyes quickly turned to puzzlement. "Mmmmm, Garak . . . are you leaving?" And then, more attentively, "What time is it?" He tried to sit up. So there it is, the Cardassian thought. A few short hours ago it was *Elim*. Now they were back to *Garak*. So be it. Garak put his hand on Julian's shoulder, and gently nudged him back down. "It's early yet. You still have a couple of hours before you need to be up." "Then, why . . ." Julian started to ask. "I thought it would be prudent for me to go--before anyone sees me leaving your quarters at such an early hour." The explanation was simple, and not entirely untrue. "I understand," was all the doctor said. Garak wondered if he did understand. Did he guess the tailor was frantic to leave before any irreparable damage could be done to their friendship. *And if I don't leave now, I'll never let you out of that bed.* Garak silently cursed the desirous thought. *Foolish, foolish old man!* "Doctor, I don't think I'll be able to meet you for lunch today." Garak strived to regain the upper hand. "I have a shipment of synthetic linens arriving from Rigel III that I have to inventory. And there's the matter of 50 kilograms of Klingon chain mail, erroneously delivered last week, that I really must resolve." Garak waited for a response from the doctor, but all he got was a nod. "So as you can see," he continued, forlornly, "I shall be too busy for lunch." "Yes," was all Julian said to this flimsy attempt at nonchalance. Garak wondered if he had not just made things worse. He flashed him a weak smile, and turned to go. "But," Julian began, stalling the Cardassian's exit. "Perhaps we could meet later . . . for supper. If you've completed your--inventory." A line was thrown to him, however fragile. Garak's heart almost lept from the relief he felt. Maintaining his composure, he replied, "And providing there are no medical emergencies to detain you." Julian smiled, "Of course." Then suddenly he grasped Garak's hand. He placed the palm to his lips, and tenderly kissed it. "Thank you, Garak," he whispered. The Cardassian knew it was he who should be thanking the young man. Thanking him for his friendship, not rescinded. Instead he only replied, "You're welcome." Julian yawned, and his eyes grew heavy. "Go back to sleep," Garak murmured. "Umm-hmm," the doctor muttered. He turned over and hugged the pillow to his cheek. He heard the whoosh of the door, and knew that Garak had gone. Julian smiled to himself, marveling at how one action counteracted another. A single, random act of generosity, erased another of indifference. One surprising and new, the other exacted for far too long. He slipped into a dreamless sleep, happily thinking everything would be all right from now on. THE END