
Description of the PDF
2600_guide.pdf 1867303
2600 (Stella) Programmer's Guide, by Steve Wright (December 3, 1979) Updated by Darryl May (July 1, 1988)
2600_standards.pdf 706301
Game Standards and Procedures for Atari 2600 VCS (October 26, 1987)
2600_tia.pdf 3556996
TIA 1A: Television Interface Adaptor (Model 1A) Schematics and Documentation
7800_devkit.pdf 1451908
2600/7800 Development Kit Care and Feeding Instructions (Unknown)
7800_software.pdf 2024829
7800 Software Guide (Unknown)
7800_standards.pdf 686412
Game Standards and Procedures for Atari 7800 Prosystems (October 26, 1987)
airplane.pdf 24286
Creating a Paper Airplane: Design Example, by Ben Fry (1993)
atari_thebook.pdf 14936810
Atari, The Book: A Guide to Electronic Game Operation and Servicing (1980)
att_klein_wired.pdf 1664906
AT&T Implementation of NSA Spying on American Citizens (December 31, 2005)
c64online.pdf 364282
Putting the Commodore Online by Jeff Ledger (March, 2007)
ccow_fbddr.pdf 323360
Tape Formats, Bit Depths, Data Rates and Storage Requirments for a variety of video formats, from Creative Cow Magazine (2006)
dirkon_en.pdf 424066
Printable Paper Camera: The Dirkon (Creates a Pinhole camera that works with 35MM film) (2003)
macdemos.pdf 364175
Mac Demos: 20 Minutes into the Future, by Kyle Ellrott (2004)
mariosoup.pdf 1620245
Mario Soup: A Deconstruction of Sprite Images from the Programs of Nintendo Games, by Ben Fry (November, 2003)
orchard01.pdf 736400
The Orchard: Demoscene Magazine Issue #1 (Macintosh Demo Magazine) (October, 2003)
pacct-instructions.pdf 5408751
Pac-Man Cocktail Assembly Instructions, by Kyle Lindstrom (February 7, 2001)
pacct-plans.pdf 220382
Pac-Man Cocktail Assembly Instructions (Blueprints) by Kyle Lindstrom (February 7, 2001)
ramparts_jun72.pdf 15514297
Cover and Article on Phone Phreaking from Ramparts Magazine (June, 1972)
random_rob_6.pdf 53174
Mac OS X and Mac Demos: The Opportunities, by Rob Probin and Stuart Ball (2001)
stella.pdf 1252212
Stella Programmer's Guide, by Steve Wright (December 3, 1979) Reconstructed by Charles Sinnett (June 11, 1993)
syslink.pdf 4360506
The Syslink Version 3.0 Manual (1986)

There are 21 files for a total of 57,561,601 bytes.