Principia Entropius Book Two >>The Principia EntroHocusPocus Part Eight of 15 ---------------------------------- Better Real than a dream, Atleast if something is Real, then you are not to blame. ---------Erisian Proverb. -------------------------------------- Lean to the Right Rush Rules Does anyone talk to Rush on Compuserve? I talk to Rush spiritually and mentally. I talk to rush, through the TV screen. I talk to Rush,when I am in a car, I do not go far, just to get a jar. I talk to Rush, and I talk to Van Halen...I talk to The animals... I do not wear a green Hat.... ---Excerpt from the Unpublished Dr. Suess Classic, The return of the Naked Godivas, for sega genisis. ((((((((AVAILABLE IN MORONOSOUND))))))))) WHERE AVAILABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Abulafrians: Use Cypher code: Right. gmptf@ __________________________________________________ --Vulcan Humorism-- Acolyte to Thom Gnos: "Hey someone told me my days were numbered!" Thom Gnos: "Sure enough, on your Calender, each day has a numerical value" ------------------------------------------------- The Picatrix The unholy Milanese Magazine of Occult Swimsuit edition now available ----Cover goes to Isis, Egyptian Goddess -----------------<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>------------- Those of you, who revere other faiths, who might be examineing this document, (especially Jewish or Christians) might be calling it blashpemy. Remember the words of Job: Will you speak unjustly on Gods Behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him? What will happen we he examines you? Will you fool him, as one fools men? --Job 13:7-9. Essentially here The freinds have cautioned Job "your saying Terrible things about god, and hes going to be very angry at you." Job replys "IF god is a god worth worshipping, I have to beleive that he respects my honesty more than your flattery. I may be theologically wrong in what I say about your god, but I am saying what I think and feel to be true, not what I think god wants to hear, and I have to beleive that God respects that." So just bear that in Mind When Viewing other Peoples viewpoints about Gods or Goddess.