s$ $$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1089 [-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "The White Male Speaks" $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by Nybar $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 06/07/00 [-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --] $$ $$ "TssT" "TssT" As some of you doubtless already know, I am a white male. My fellow white males, or at least those among you who live in the United States or one of the rich sections of Europe, need read no further. Opulent Asians who were raised as white also need not concern themselves with this essay. It is directed solely at the outliers: the remaining 90% of the world. So... let us begin. Much has been made of the fact that the white man in American society strenuously conspired for 400 years to keep all other races and sexes at the bottom of the pecking order. In these enlightened days, however, it is in vogue to say that America's race problems are truly solved. The 70s, 80s, and 90s each crowed over having produced truly "color-blind" generations. Furthermore, it is fashionable to aver that racial and societal progress is still being made, such that soon every man, woman, and child in the US will be completely equal. Some blacks leaders are still hyper-aware of race issues, but they're often shunted aside as relics of the past. Soon Martin Luther King JR's dream of an egalitarian society will come about, goes the refrain. Well, ladies and gentleman, it now falls to me to inform you that all of this high-minded rhetoric is bunk. Complete hooey. What's more, it is my gleeful duty to confirm all of your worst fears. You see, as a member of the exclusive white-male club, I have a certain insider's perspective on this matter that no negroid has ever been privy to. The fact of the matter is, we are still out to destroy you, and we are succeeding breezily. Our machinations have, and are, working to keep the status quo intact. The current condition of sub-saharan Africa represents one of our great triumphs, as does the condition of our own, 100% American slums. Another great success of our little club is the condition of American prisons. Also, taken in the context of our evil schema, it should be no surprise to anyone that racial profiling continues unabated in the White America. American non-whites, for all their bluster about their marginal gains, are excerebrose, adventitious excrescences on the face of America, utilized mainly for menial tasks. And to make us laugh. Sure, you may say, all of that being as it is, what about the tangible gains non-whites have made? For example, Tiger Woods gracing the cover of 'white' Time Magazine. Well, this is where our little story gets better, my little dumplings. Most of you non-white readers who are aware of the information I've disclosed in the previous paragraph will not be surprised at my next little revelation. This is that the blacks that seem to have penetrated the white system are, in fact, working for the whites. They're called house niggers, and me and my kind like them a lot. Hell, that Tiger Woods, he might be an ignorant African booboisie, but he sure can whack a ball around on a green grass yard. Besides which, all of the time he's spent fellating the cock of white Corporate America has paid off. When they jizm into his mouth, you see, the fertile, white fluid festers there, eventually deciding to rush to his brain. Then, miscegenated thoughts spring roughshod from his precious little cranium, and we can perpetuate whatever sort of bullshit we want. This essential pattern is repeated time and time again. Black celebrities--hey, I have no problem with them. Black revolution from this angle always gets hoist by its own petard; the softies sell out, and the hard-rocks OD on coke. Right about now, I bet you little black n' brown dumplings are stewing in your juices. And, on the flip side, I'd wager that my brethern in the White Male club are just as pleased as plums. Well, I'm going to make them just as pleased as prize plumbs on a plate by emanating some more epiphanies. Essentially, our club is very tight-knit. We don't even have room for people with two X chromosomes, dig? Oh, sure, women have made great progress, blah ze blah...let's get right to the meat of the argument. They're nothing but frail amphora, and subject to emotional vicissitudes in a way that makes them similar to a tug-boat getting knocked about in a tempest. Abortion, the pill...I'm against all of that stuff. What if one of the kids is a white-male? The woman lives in a world-wide prison, subject to the whims of her white-male overlords, anyway, so why not apply that dynamic on the microscopic level? (Of course, I have no objection to the under-evolved non-white females killing their zygotes, fetuses and embryos.) Now, don't get me wrong, women have plenty of uses outside of bearing our young. For example, they make excellent cooks, and they wash the dishes, too. And don't forget that mighty negresses can plow the soil with the strength and approximate build of oxen. But, even with all of these benefits, women sure as hell are -not- breaking into our exclusive club. And how is it that we stay so tight-knit? Well, you know, we've just been together so long, it's almost instinct for all of us to repress all of you. Truly, it's only inertia and our superior organization keeping us on top. If all of you, black; brown; tan--fuck it, the whole spectrum, got together, you'd have no problem displacing us from our place at the top rung of the food-chain. You could wage war in the streets. Hold black female marches. Point when a bunch of white males are in a place... heck, if you're Latino or Asian, make abrasive jokes about them in a language they don't understand while they're looking on, and laugh. Ridicule and marches alone won't topple our regime, of course, but the key is for y'all to start being unified and active. If you keep up the pressure long enough, the top 10% is bound to fold like a chair. Suckers. I suppose that some of you, reading the last paragraph, were simple enough to actually think that some sort of rainbow coalition could actually succeed against our organization. Well, perhaps I should re-phrase that. Because the truth is, it could, but it's not going to. You see, I'm much like a super-villain, revealing my plot to an impotent community... except for the fact that this is the real world, and not a propaganda story-book designed to make you think you can actually triumph, and so evil is going to prevail. For the historically minded among you, I will point out that this is an exact re-enactment of the time when Eddie Murphy went incognito to reveal the White Male club, which he easily did, exposing to the world our bigoted bus-policies. Fortunately, though, his warning was debuted on Saturday Night Live, a comedy program, causing it to be dismissed. In a like manner, I will be dismissed--because hey, who's going to listen to *my* cajoling? Though I might be a White Male, and as such imbued with some authority to speak on this topic, I'm also a silly e-zine writer. I call myself "Nybar." So you'll comfort yourself, and laugh, and then move on, and forget. Facile defense made steadfast is memory. Meanwhile, I'll stay in my post, nestled like an avian with functional wings presiding over a world of crippled, ground-dwelling slugs. And so it will remain. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1089, BY NYBAR - 6/07/00 ]