Volume 5, Number 31 1 August 1988 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ | | / \ | | /|oo \ | | - FidoNews - (_| /_) | | _`@/_ \ _ | | International | | \ \\ | | FidoNet Association | (*) | \ )) | | Newsletter ______ |__U__| / \// | | / FIDO \ _//|| _\ / | | (________) (_/(_|(____/ | | (jm) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Editor in Chief Dale Lovell Editor Emeritus: Thom Henderson Chief Procrastinator Emeritus: Tom Jennings Contributing Editors: Al Arango FidoNews is published weekly by the International FidoNet Association as its official newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission standards are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1. Copyright 1988 by the International FidoNet Association. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141. Fido and FidoNet are registered trademarks of Tom Jennings of Fido Software, 164 Shipley Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107 and are used with permission. The contents of the articles contained here are not our responsibility, nor do we necessarily agree with them. Everything here is subject to debate. We publish EVERYTHING received. Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES ................................................. 1 DATELINE: EUROPE ......................................... 1 Coping with Rapid Growth - Part 2 ........................ 3 New Echo Area Established! ............................... 13 2. NOTICES .................................................. 14 The Interrupt Stack ...................................... 14 New Net Coordinator in Net 151! .......................... 16 Latest Software Versions ................................. 16 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS ........................................ 18 FidoNews 5-31 Page 1 1 Aug 1988 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= Don Daniels, President International FidoNet Association 1:107/210 DATELINE: EUROPE Well, EuroCon II is now over and everyone here feels that it has been an unqualified success. I'm sure many join me in my personal thanks to the Dutch and the Holland Computer Club for all their efforts and hospitality. My understanding is that the news of the conference will be reported on in full by one of the Dutch Sysops, so I will just provide a few of my personal impressions. First of all, I was very impressed with the spirit of cooperation shown by the approximately 150 Sysops who attended the convention from a dozen countries. Europeans have come to face many of the same issues that confront us in North America, although their situation is compounded by, not only the long distance from the U.S., but also a combination of national influences, including the imposition by the various PTTs (national telephone monopolies) of various concerns which have made BBSing a far more expensive proposition for the typical individual. Meetings and discussions were held on Regional and international levels which led to the agreement that the various Regions (nations) will return to their countries to begin the process of creating such local organizations as seems reasonable in each instance, along with joining together in an international organization that can represent the interests of the entire area. The latter is especially needed to try to get the local PTTs to develop consistent regulations across borders and to prepare for the future integration of Europe telecommunications under the coming political and economic unification. One of the areas that I personally learned much more about was the special problems faced by the deaf and the various needs which they have toward better communications. As an example, the use of simpler words and abbreviations is necessary in menus because the typical reading level of the deaf may only be equivalent to a ten year old. Expressing their wish to be involved themselves, one of them, sysop David Jackson of England, challenged the developers and sysops present (and throughout FidoNet) to work with the deaf to create the necessary interfaces to meet their needs. A show of hands indicated a strong willingness on the part of the sysops in attendance to participate in support for the deaf and the blind (at least one blind sysop attended the conference). FidoNews 5-31 Page 2 1 Aug 1988 Also attending the conference were representatives of HANDYNET, an ECC-supported Network dedicated to support of the disabled, and the European Space Agency who provide them with Network resources. Future developments between them and FidoNet are awaiting the official creation of the European FidoNet organization. Although we indicated that the Europeans' primary concern, due to the various problems and lack of resources we presently face in North America, is that they concentrate on organizing and solving their own problems in Europe, many nonetheless requested to join IFNA as an expression of their desire to support FidoNet on a truly international basis. My thanks to all who joined and also to those who expressed their support on other levels. Other areas which we have been tasked to follow through on back in North America are the legal use of the names "Fido" and "FidoNet" by the various organizations here, the rights of the countries to translate FidoNews (and other material) into local languages, and, most challenging of all, the revamping of the current structures of IFNA to provide greater represention and support (on a per capita basis) for the international groups. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 3 1 Aug 1988 Lee Kemp, Communet 1:221/162.14 16 June 1988 C O P I N G W I T H R A P I D G R O W T H Part 2 Last week I promised technical details of an alternative method for administering the nodelist that would overcome the problem of excessive size while maintaining a "fully coupled" network, through automatic updates directly between nodes via NetMail and EchoMail. Actually, I'll get back to the technical details next week. This week I'll present some background information on why its essential to decentralize and automate the nodelist to prevent its abuse by *Cs. Today is the first anniversary of Communet's original appeal against having our incoming NetMail killed by our net host, who was also the Australian Regional Coordinator of FidoNet, because he did not like the "Political Overtones" of files in our internal file areas. This occurred about 2 weeks after we joined FidoNet. That appeal resulted in our being removed from the Australian Region nodelist a couple of weeks later, instead of being allowed to pickup incoming NetMail. In the 12 months since, NOTHING has been done about that, by either the Zone or International Coordinators, despite appeals through all the proper channels. Our experience shows that the existing administration of FidoNet will tolerate ANY abuse of power over nodelist entries, no matter how flagrant. Whether this is due to ignorance, stupidity, overwork or paralysis from constant petty disputes, the fact is that IFNA is incapable of administering FidoNet as it is supposed to be administered according to POLICY3. Its important for other SysOps to know that when considering future structures. After successive polite efforts by Ross Lazarus, Peter Green and Darce Cassidy, I am the one stuck with the correspondence now and have gained a reputation for "belligerence" as a result. I'm not prepared to waste my time on further private correspondence or discussions in the IFNA or POLICY4 echos. I think that after 12 months, its now time to start telling all SysOps all about it. Here's Peter Green's attempt to persuade the Australian Regional Coordinator to implement POLICY3, and the Australian Regional Coordinator's response. Over the next few week's I'll be publishing details of how the Zone and International Coordinators dealt with the problem. I hope that software developers and SysOps will think about the implications of this carefully when designing future structures for nodelist administration. I also hope that Tom Jennings will think about it carefully when FidoNews 5-31 Page 4 1 Aug 1988 deciding what to do with IFNA's licence to use the "FidoNet" trademark. The "FidoNet" trademark is NOT currently being used in Australia for the purposes intended - a public amateur Email network for the free exchange of information. BLATANT political criteria are being imposed for a nodelisting and that has been accepted at the highest levels. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv AREA: AUST_SYSOP {Removed from the echo by John Blackett-Smith - Lee} To: John Blackett-Smith Tuesday 16 June, 1987 I understand you are now the FidoNet Coordinator for Region 50. As President of Communet I have taken over from Ross Lazarus as Sysop in charge of relations with FidoNet and am writing to formally appeal against our exclusion from FidoNet. Attached for your background information is an article we had prepared to send to other boards introducing ourselves. {See "Hello from Communet" in part 1, last week. - Lee} Below is the full text of the message excluding us from FidoNet. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Message #78 (CRASH) (PRIVATE) Date: Fri 12 Jun 87 21:02 From: Daryl Clayton on 50/0, Coordinator of AUSTRALIA To: Sysop(s) on 631/326, Communet of VIC OPUS NET, Subj: Communet To All sysops in communet: Hello all, tonite I logged onto Communet for the first & last time.. Also I have stopped the scanning and passage of mail to and from your board for a number of reasons being. A) The Political Overtones in the News Contributions (File area 2) B) The Statement concerning the charging for Aust wide mail (assumed to be fido-net mail as you are a fido node.) C) The asking for Money for Access & Other sevices on the bbs which contravenes the whole concept of OPUS (read the manual for more). D) Also you are taking a fair share of Echomail that is not available to Users but is listed as a later development, I do not intend to waste my time and money proccessing a substantial FidoNews 5-31 Page 5 1 Aug 1988 ammount of mail for 2 or 3 Sysops ONLY.. Daryl Clayton. Region 50 Co-Ordinator & Net 631 Host.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our response to these reasons is: A) We examined our verbose Opus logs to determine which files from our file area 2 Daryl had looked at so we could see what he meant by "Political Overtones". During the 10 minute call no files were either displayed or downloaded. B) and C) We have not charged any users for anything and do not intend to charge for FidoNet mail or for access. We will be charging only for actual costs of services like typesetting uploaded files. D) We do not give access to Echomail areas to twits on their first call. When new users are validated we upgrade their status from twit and give them access. As Daryl's call was his "first & last", we were unable to upgrade his status from twit. Ross Lazarus was unable to establish voice contact with Daryl over the weekend but informed me yesterday evening that he has done so and that Daryl no longer believes reasons B), C) or D) are grounds for excluding us from Fidonet. But we are still excluded for reason A) and that is the SOLE reason. We have now been told that the "Political Overtones" referred to in file area 2 were the EXISTENCE of draft papers for an election campaign, in files named DONTVOTE.TXT and DONTVOTE.2 and that we cannot remain a node of FidoNet if such files appear on our board. In the opinion of a friend of Daryl's who works for the Electoral Office, they could be illegal, and our association with FidoNet could therefore be damaging. A natural response for any newcomer to FidoNet, on being treated like that, would be to just not bother further. Most people would not be interested in going through the appeals procedures of an organization whose regional coordinator for Australia could behave in this way. They would simply not want to be in it. For our part, we seriously considered just not bothering. We could just setup our own Email network for community groups without any hassles. However we have been in FidoNet long enough to know that there are a lot of friendly and helpful people out there, who do not operate in this way, and that it is an extremely valuable international effort that ought to be supported and not allowed to degenerate. We are determined to ensure that no other nodes are lost to FidoNet in Australia from this kind of behaviour. We run a very tightly controlled board and will not be permitting users to upload anything illegal. We do not require advice from FidoNews 5-31 Page 6 1 Aug 1988 any other Sysops in implementing that policy, even if they take the trouble to read the material they think they might object to. We are fully aware that FidoNet coordinators put a lot of time and effort into the job, while we as a new node have not yet contributed anything. We have no wish to buy into a fight with anybody about anything. But we doubt that any newspaper, or any bulletin board in Australia would even CONSIDER submitting material with "Political Overtones" for inspection by some outside authority before publication. Even apart from internal file areas, the latest official US Echomail list (102) shows several Echomail conferences with "Political Overtones". If US Sysops can run Echomail conferences on subjects from Feminism to Politics to Sado-Masochism without this being considered damaging to FidoNet, we cannot see how anybody could object to discussions internal to our board concerning alternative voting options during an election campaign. Discussions with "Political Overtones" only require official approval in certain countries in places like Eastern Europe and Latin America, that have political systems very different from Australia's. According to the FidoNet Policy and Procedures Guide "each Sysop formulates his own policy for running his board and dealing with his users" (p2) and "can pretty much do as he pleases, as long as he observes the mail events, is not excessively annoying to other nodes on FidoNet, and does not promote the distribution of pirated copyright software" (p3). Since we will not permit illegal material on our board we will not permit its transmission from our board through FidoNet either. But if we did do anything on FidoNet that excessively annoys others, it only needs to be explained to us what we are doing wrong for us to rectify the situation immediately. We have an urgent need to resume interrupted communications as we are a private node with an unpublished phone number and have already been apparently ignoring incoming messages for 4 days. We would appreciate it if you could act promptly to restore the proper functioning of net 631. But if this will cause any delays at all, it is essential that we not remain unreachable. In that case please act promptly as follows: A) Please list us for the time being as an independent node of Region 50 from the next nodelist. Whether in net 631 or as an independent, our listing should now read as follows: Name "Communet", Sysop, "Peter Green", Address "Melbourne AUSTRALIA", Phone "61-3-482-1718". We run Opus 0.0 under SEAdog 4.00 24 hours, 7 days with a Netcomm 1234A modem so baud rate is 2400 with flags for Continuous Mail, Extended Protocol and all CCITT V21, V22, V22bis, V23 and corresponding Bell standards both answer and originate mode. FidoNews 5-31 Page 7 1 Aug 1988 Also please inform us what polling arrangements we should make to pickup Fidonews and nodediffs etc each week. Although it is now necessary to publish our phone number in the nodelist, we are still a private board not ready for calls from the general public. As our number could become public knowledge through the nodelist, we are now restricting access to pre-registered users until we are ready to go public. This may also help to avoid unduly alarming Daryl's friend at the electoral office. B) Please assist us to arrange an alternative Echomail feed, if necessary, either from your board or by suggesting who we should approach. We will poll for pickup to pay the direct cost ourselves and would of course be happy to contribute our share towards any other costs. As we were in the middle of several technical discussions with US and other nodes when suddenly cut off, this is very urgent and it is important for us to catch up on any messages that have been missed, by scanning out all items since last Wednesday or Thursday. A copy of our areas.bbs file is attached. C) Please ask Daryl to at least permit us to pickup our incoming mail until the nodelist is changed, including any outstanding items that can be recovered. According to the FidoNet Policy and Procedures Guide, FidoNet has a philosophy for resolving disputes based on two simple rules: 1) Thou shalt not excessively annoy others. 2) Thou shalt not be too easily annoyed. Any network host, even if it happens to be a regional coordinator, is obliged to allow nodes in their net to pickup incoming messages. Nodes can only be removed from a net by amending the international nodelist, not by refusing to implement it. Points A), B) and C) above represent all that can be done immediately to temporarily resolve the situation. Once we are back in communication we would then appreciate your assistance to help us join another local net as soon as possible, if that is necessary. However we hope it is not necessary. We do not believe the long term solution should be to require a node to become independent or form its own net or even join another net because of a dispute like this. That would have serious consequences for the whole nature of Fidonet, at least in Australia. It would lead to networks being based on approval of each others' internal operations instead of being components of an international public amateur Email network to facilitate communications. FidoNews 5-31 Page 8 1 Aug 1988 We anticipate being in a position to act as a host ourselves before long and will be assisting a number of other community groups to establish nodes, especially public radio stations around Australia. We believe that networks should be organized on a purely technical basis for the most efficient flow of message traffic. It would be quite wrong for us to refuse to host a board that we did not agree with, or one that was not interested in the same topics as others in our net, but had no other convenient link to national Echomail traffic etc. Agreement about "Political Overtones" is not necessary for the technical coordination of Email traffic. The International Telecommunications Union and Universal Postal Union are reasonable examples of the possibility of even Governments with great hostility towards each other coordinating in the interests of communications efficiency. We found Daryl to be very friendly and helpful until he discovered that our users were discussing political topics (among many others incidentally). Once this incident is resolved, we would be perfectly happy to forget it ever occurred and rejoin Daryl's net. Yours sincerely, Peter Green for Communet PS 1) Though not easily annoyed, we are EXTREMELY annoyed that Daryl's action may have resulted in other nodes who rely on the published FidoNet nodelist thinking their replies to recent messages and Echomail from us have been ignored. We will forward copies of this message to other regional nodes to inform them that net 631 is violating the currently published nodelist by not forwarding inwards mail to 631/326. They need to know that the only way that messages can reach Communet until the nodelist is amended is through crashmail or special direct routing. Since we have an unpublished phone number, any node wanting to correspond with us will need to recompile the current nodelist with the following line added to XLATLIST.CTL or equivalent: PHONE 631/326 61-3-482-1718 Please note that you need to do this yourself to reply. To reduce costs, we would appreciate your assistance in forwarding copies of this message, and the accompanying article, through the AUST_SYSOP Echomail immediately - without of course implying your agreement to anything we have said. We are unable to use our normal Echomail route through 631/320 for obvious reasons, however we will of course forward a copy to Daryl directly to give him an opportunity to reconsider. FidoNews 5-31 Page 9 1 Aug 1988 2) We will also forward a copy of this to the international coordinator. That is not by way of appeal of course, but to introduce the following remarks in support of criticisms we have read in Fidonews, of proposals to separate FidoNet into independent zones. Our excommunication message was signed by the then Regional Coordinator for Australia as well as our network host. Though there are many regional coordinators to keep an eye on each other in zone 1, Australia is the major region in its zone. If each zone was independent with no responsibility to an international coordinator, that message could easily have been signed by the same person as "Zone coordinator and network host". What could a node do if it received a message like that? Lets have one set of policy and procedures for the whole network, so it remains one network. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The response to that polite and reasonable message from Peter Green was an attempt to pretend we had lost any right to appeal, followed by a string of abuse and threats from John Blackett-Smith, culminating in a formal decision upholding our excommunication for "Political Overtones": vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Date: Wed 17 Jun 87 15:19 From: John Blackett-smith on 630/301, The National of VIC NET, To: Peter Green on 631/326, Communet of VIC OPUS NET, Subj: Communet Peter, Ireceived your standard verbose message a few minutes ago and wish to advised as follows: I am prepared to consider your case in the light of Policy 3 and after discussing the matter with Daryl Clayton. I am most unhappy with your attempts to pressure me into a decision on your terms by threatening to circulate the two messages you sent to me to all Regions. I am adamant that this is a Region 50 matter and the messages should have been treated as such and placed in the RG50_SYSOP conference. If the messages have gone out as you threatened, then you leave me no alternative but to accept that the matter has gone beyond Region 50 and that it now becomes the province of the Zone Co-Ordinator or even the International Co-Ordinator. In that case you may feel free to appeal to either. As you are so keen to quote Policy 3 when it suits your case (and to decry it when it doesn't) another read of that will give you a good idea of what the attitudes will be when it is discovered you are not following the normal appeal protocols. [...] FidoNews 5-31 Page 10 1 Aug 1988 {Peter's message merely ASKED John to place our message in AUST_SYSOP so other nodes would be able to bypass the net host that was killing our incoming NetMail. We foolishly went along with John's belligerent demands that we not publicize the situation while he made up his mind. John and Daryl took advantage of that to organize a smear campaign about us being a "nest" of "commies" while we were cut off from EchoMail and incoming NetMail and therefore unable to reply. Nor have we ever been able to publicly reply since, until now in FidoNews, as EchoMail in zone 3 is censored - Lee} Date: Thu 18 Jun 87 20:16 From: John Blackett-smith on 630/301, The National of VIC NET To: Communet on 631/326, Communet of VIC OPUS NET, Subj: Re: Communet [...] > We have received a message from Daryl Clayton 631/0 > dated 10:49 this morning saying that as from this week > we will not be listed as a working node of net 631. This > is news to us. As Daryl is/was your Net Co-Ordinator, he is at liberty to make that decision, providing it is done so on reasonablew grounds. Your court of appeal is to me... [...] > As you are responsible for forwarding the nodelist to > the international coordinator we can only conclude that > you have informed Daryl Clayton that you will not be > acting on our request to publish our phone number in the > nodelist, as a working node, either of net 631 or as an > independent. As with many of your messages, Lee, you demonstrate an incredible ignorance... an ignorance of FidoNet, Policy 3, the structure of the system. You appear to have a propensity to tell far more experienced and knowledgable people "how to suck their own eggs" and only succeed in demonstrating how much of a newcomer you are. I am responsible for forwarding the NODEDIFFs to the ZONEGATE who forwards them on to the International Co-Ordinator. [...] {Needless to say, John was then responsible for forwarding the Region 50 nodeLIST to the IC as I had stated in my incredible ignorance. He received nodeDIFFs FROM the IC via the zonegate despite his great experience and knowledge. John had in fact agreed to remove us from the nodelist AFTER we appealed to him about our NetMail being killed and BEFORE his final decision. I am confident however that he is quite good at sucking his own eggs. - Lee} > You are solely responsible for the affairs FidoNews 5-31 Page 11 1 Aug 1988 > of region 50 and you are responsible upwards, not to the > Sysops of region 50. Again.... more of your arrant, ignorant, nonsense. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you can't be so stupid as to believe the above three lines. Without the nodes... no region! {Well I guess we WERE pretty stupid to believe what we read in POLICY3. The actual reality is that the IC will NOT intervene in any decision taken outside the USA no matter how absurd. He apparently believes that the SysOps of other zones have some mechanism that would allow them to remove an RC who censors any mail critical of him and excommunicates anybody that might want him replaced. - Lee} [...] > Please note that no messages sent to or from us > concerning our exclusion from FidoNet should be regarded > as confidential. Well, Lee, there you go again..... as a novice SysOp of a very new node, your effrontery in telling others what will happen astounds me. As your Regional Co-Ordinator I am telling you, that any discussions between you and I are to remain confidential until a resolution has been reached. {In view of our experiences of being silenced by a demand for confidentiality while the person making the demand organized a smear campaign, we have since adopted a policy of NEVER agreeing to confidentiality for any correspondence whatsoever. - Lee} [...] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On 22 June 1987 John confirmed our excommunication from the Australian Region of FidoNet, giving the following reasons: 3. A file list in Area #2 wherein two of the file names could lead the average person to believe that they were instructions on how to avoid voting in elections requiring compulsory voting and other file names and descriptions could easily be construed to be political in nature and to be promoting actions and/or responses and/or ideas beyond the acceptable limits of the normal political spectrum. He based his decision on: what I consider to be normal societal values of FidoNews 5-31 Page 12 1 Aug 1988 Australia in general and Melbourne in particular,... John also reported us to the telephone company, the Electoral Commission, his Solicitor and the Police. None of them have been in touch so we presume that our understanding of normal societal values of Australia is closer to the mark than John's. Unfortunately its equally clear that John's understanding of the realities of his position as Regional Coordinator responsible to nobody was accurate. We were never re-instated to the Australian Region and have since been excommunicated from FidoNet altogether for complaining about that through the appeals procedures set down in POLICY3. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 13 1 Aug 1988 Jake Hargrove Fido 301/1 High Mesa Ranger's Treasure Hunter's & Coin Collectors After searching high and low for a connection to an echo area called COINS, boy was I disappointed. It is not an area for coin collectors or the like it is something totally different. An like most things when I find that what I am looking for is not available I take it on myself to make one. Effective 1 Aug 1988 the Echo Area TH_ING will be avaialbe for connection from 301/1. Anyone interested in Coin collecting, Treasure Hunting, or Collection of any kind are welcome to join. If your Sysop does not carry the area and you would like for him to leave him a message and he can contact me. The disappointment of not finding an area where collection of coins was being discussed left me a little out of sorts because I had been looking for almost 3 months and I was told by a reliable source ( I thought) that the COINS echo was just that. The establishment of the New Echo TH_ING, which stands for Treasure Hunting is prompted partly in fact I am not an avid coin collector but I have several hundered coins which are several years older than a lot of us and I am interested in finding out the value of these things. The guidelines for the Echo Conference will be very simple. It will be used for the discussion of Collection of Things, no matter what they might be. BaseBall Cards, comics or so forth. An the location of possible buyers of said items, or sellers of said items. I will act as the Echo Moderator, and the Echo will be controlled here at 301/1. If the echo achieves a participation level of 20 or more nodes I will at that time consider placing it on the BACKBONE for better distribution. No node who connects to the echo my distribute it to another node without first ensuring the node does not route it to another node already participating. I will call this a streight line distribution system. I will act as the center hub. I am sitting here awaiting the start of the month of August, so if there are any of you out there who want to make the connections please do so and if you read a copy of this prior to the 1 Aug date you may ask your sysop to connect or if you are a sysop just drop a line and I will add you. LET'S GO TH_ING. TH_ING ECHO NET 301/1 JAKE HARGROVE, MODERATOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 14 1 Aug 1988 ================================================================= NOTICES ================================================================= The Interrupt Stack 25 Aug 1988 Start of the Fifth International FidoNet Conference, to be held at the Drawbridge Inn in Cincinnati, OH. Contact Tim Sullivan at 108/62 for more information. This is FidoNet's big annual get-together, and is your chance to meet all the people you've been talking with all this time. We're hoping to see you there! 24 Aug 1989 Voyager 2 passes Neptune. 5 Oct 1989 20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Barker 138/34 Chairman, Elections and Nominations Committee RULES AND PROCEDURES The next two pages are your Official ballot for the Election of the IFNA Board of Directors. The following are the few rules which must prevail in this election: 1. You must send a legible copy of this ballot to the address listed on the ballot or cast your vote in person at the conference prior to the closing of the election Polls. It must be signed and bear your current net/node number. 2. You may vote for any person in your Division for the position of Divisional Director. This vote is to be cast in the LEFT column of the ballot. 3. You may vote for any six people for the position of Director at Large. These votes are to be cast in the RIGHT column of the ballot. 4. Voting will continue until the end of the Conference registration on the 25th of August, 1988. Ballots which are mailed must reach the address listed below prior to Wednesday, 24 August 1988. The results will be read during the opening of business meeting on the first day of the conference. 5. Write-in votes will be accepted and are requested during this FidoNews 5-31 Page 15 1 Aug 1988 election. IFNA Board Of Directors Ballot Candidate Net/Node Divisional At-Large Vote Vote ------------------ --------- ---------- -------- DIVISION 2: Henk Weavers 500/1 (1) DIVISION 10: Jim Bacon 103/507 _____ _____ Courtney Harris 102/732 _____ _____ Steve Jordan 102/2871 _____ _____ DIVISION 12: Bill Bolton 711/403 _____ _____ Leonard Mednick 345/1 _____ _____ DIVISION 14: Glen Jackson 100/517 _____ _____ Ken Kaplan 100/22 _____ _____ DIVISION 16: Vince Perriello 141/491 (1) DIVISION 18: Chris Baker 18/14 (1) ADDITIONAL AT-LARGE Steve Bonine 115/777 _____ Don Daniels 107/210 _____ Dave Melnik 107/233 _____ Robert Rudolph 261/628 _____ Greg Small 148/122 _____ ________________ _________ _____ ________________ _________ _____ ________________ _________ _____ (1) This candidate has been elected to the office of Divisional Director with no further voting procedure necessary as per By Law #11. "The Nominations and Elections Committee shall delet the name of any nominee who mayt be ineligible for election and the name of any who may withdraw by written communications. The remaining names shall be listed on a ballot, in alphabetical order. IF THERE BE BUT ONE ELIGIBLE NOMINEE, THE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION FidoNews 5-31 Page 16 1 Aug 1988 COMMITTEE SHALL DECLARE HIM ELECTED WITHOUT BALLOTING BY THE MEMBERSHIP. (Emphasis added. -rb) If there be more than one eligible nominee, then at least 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting the Secretary shall send by mail to every voting member, and publish in FidoNews, a bollot listing the candidates for director. The ballor shall contain a copy of the current voting rules." Name ______________________________ Net/Node ___________ Signature______________________________ Date ___________ Please complete this and mail it to: Rob Barker IFNA Elections Committee 7406 - 27th Street West Suite #7, Plaza West Tacoma, Wa 98466 or bring it with you when you come to the conference in August. Thank You Rob Barker Elections and Nominations Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------- Net Coordinator Change in North Carolina. Please Note: As of Nodelist.190, the Net Coordinator of Net 151 in North Carolina is now Richard Epson at 151/201 (0) in Charlotte, NC. Please update to Nodelist.190 as soon as possible to avoid confusion in Host routing to Net 151. Thank you. Christopher Baker, 135/14 Region 18 Coordinator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Latest Software Versions BBS Systems Node List Other & Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version Dutchie 2.90* EditNL 4.00* ARC 5.22* Fido 12h MakeNL 2.12* ARCmail 1.1 FidoNews 5-31 Page 17 1 Aug 1988 Opus 1.03b Prune 1.40 ConfMail 3.31 SEAdog 4.10 XlatList 2.86 EchoMail 1.31 TBBS 2.0M XlaxNode 2.10* MGM 1.1 BinkleyTerm 1.50 XlaxDiff 2.10* QuickBBS 2.01 ParseList 1.10 * Recently changed Utility authors: Please help keep this list up to date by reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 18 1 Aug 1988 ================================================================= COMMITTEE REPORTS ================================================================= International FidoNet Association 1988 By-Law Amendments Ballot --------------------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0001 (Definitions) A _____ B _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0002 (Membership) A _____ B _____ C _____ D _____ E _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0003 (Application and Notification) A _____ B _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0004 (Annual Fees) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0005 (Directors' Successors) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0006 (Compensation) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0007 (Qualification) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0008 (Representation) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0009 (Nomination Deadline) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0010 (Nominations) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0011 (Ballots) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0012 (Vacant Position) Yea _____ Nay _____ FidoNews 5-31 Page 19 1 Aug 1988 Docket Number BLA-88-0013 (Alternates) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0014 (Elections) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0015 (Recall Petition) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0016 (Annual Business Meeting) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0017 (Agenda) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0018 (Voting Divisions) A _____ B _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0019 (Secretary Responsibilities) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0020 (VP-TC Responsibilities) A _____ B _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0021 (Standing Committees) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0022 (Administration and Finance Committee) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0023 (By-Laws and Rules Committee) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0024 (Fidonews) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0025 (By-Law Amendments) A _____ B _____ None _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0026 (Non-Compliance) Yea _____ Nay _____ FidoNews 5-31 Page 20 1 Aug 1988 Docket Number BLA-88-0027 (Financial Audit) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0028 (Trademarks) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0029 (Conduct of Business) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0030 (Meeting Precedence) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0031 (Zones) Yea _____ Nay _____ Docket Number BLA-88-0032 (Grievance Committee) Yea _____ Nay _____ ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 21 1 Aug 1988 International FidoNet Association Proposed By-Law Amendments --------------------------------- For the purpose of voting on these By-Law amendments, all amendments have been grouped into sections and have been assigned a Docket Number. The Ballot will show each amendment by Docket Number along with the choices FOR or AGAINST to be marked appropriately. Where there is more than one proposed amendment to the same By-Law, the Ballot will show multiple choices for the Docket, only one of which is to be marked. The proposals will be shown as follows: (1) present wording; (2) proposed wording; (3) comments submitted with the proposal. The order of the Dockets will follow the order of the existing By-Laws, with all proposed additional By-Laws following. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0001 (Definitions) Present Wording: --------------- DEFINITIONS: The following terms have meanings as follows for all purposes of these By-Laws and Articles of Association: IFNA NETWORK: The current set of systems which have been certified as FidoNet compatible and conform to policies established by the Board of Directors. IFNA NODELIST: The list of nodes active in the IFNA NETWORK, prepared by the IFNA Vice President - Technical Coordinator. PUBLIC ACCESS: A system that has a telephone number published in the IFNA Nodelist, and in addition provides services to the public. ANNUAL MEETING: A yearly meeting of all members of IFNA with the expressed purpose of conducting business requiring the membership to vote. The Vice President, in conjunction with the Membership Services Committee, shall arrange for and coordinate all activities leading up to and the conduct of this meeting. ENDORSED: A physical, hand-written, verifiable signature of a member or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. BALLOT: A paper listing of all candidates for office and issues requiring a vote, or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. FidoNews 5-31 Page 22 1 Aug 1988 ALTERNATE: A member of IFNA who is designated by a director. The responsibilities of the ALTERNATE include, but are not limited to acting as a replacement for the director in any instance of the director's absence. CHAIR: The person elected by the members of the Board of Directors, or a committee, to be responsible for the overall conduct of meetings of the body that elected the CHAIR. Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- DEFINITIONS: The following terms have meanings as follows for all purposes of these By-Laws and Articles of Association: IFNA: International FidoNet Association. NETWORK: The current set of systems which have been certified as FidoNet compatible, and conform to the policies established by their respective Net, Region, and Zone. NODELIST: The list, prepared by the various Zone Coordinators, of active nodes within their Zone and on file with the International Coordinator. PUBLIC ACCESS: A system that has a telephone number published in the Nodelist, and in addition provides services to the public. ANNUAL MEETING: A yearly meeting of all members of IFNA with the expressed purpose of conducting business requiring the membership to vote. The Vice President, in conjunction with the Membership Services Committee, shall arrange for and coordinate all activities leading up to and the conduct of this meeting. ENDORSED: A physical, hand-written, verifiable signature of a member or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. BALLOT: A paper listing of all candidates for office and issues requiring a vote, or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. ALTERNATE: A member of IFNA who is designated by a director. The responsibilities of the ALTERNATE include, but are not limited to acting as a replacement for the director in any instance of the director's absence. CHAIR: The person elected by the members of the Board of Directors, or a committee, to be responsible for the overall conduct of meetings of the body that elected the CHAIR. INTERNATIONAL COORDINATOR: The individual elected by the various Zones and Regional Coordinators to arbitrate and rule on Inter- FidoNews 5-31 Page 23 1 Aug 1988 Zonal disputes. In addition, the International Coordinator is the person responsible for establishing new zones as the case may arise. Comments (A): ------------ These changes are proposed to eliminate the implication, real or perceived, that the Association owns, controls, or manipulates the FidoNet network. Proposed Wording (B): -------------------- DEFINITIONS: The following terms have meanings as follows for all purposes of these By-Laws and Articles of Association: IFNA: International FidoNet Association. FIDONET NETWORK: The current set of systems which have been certified as FidoNet compatible, conform to policies established by the Board of Directors, and appear in the current FIDONET NODELIST. FIDONET NODELIST: The list of nodes active in the FIDONET NETWORK, and the responsibility of the IFNA Vice President - Technical Coordinator. PUBLIC ACCESS NODE: A system that has a telephone number published in the FIDONET Nodelist, and in addition provides services to the public. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: A yearly meeting open to all members of IFNA with the expressed purpose of conducting business requiring the membership to vote. The Vice President, in conjunction with the Membership Services Committee, shall arrange for and coordinate all activities leading up to and the conduct of this meeting. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: A yearly meeting of the Directors and Officers of IFNA with the expressed purpose of conducting business in accordance with the laws of Missouri. ENDORSED: A physical, hand-written, verifiable signature of a member or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. BALLOT: A paper listing of all candidates for office and issues requiring a vote, or such equivalent as shall be specified by the Board of Directors. ALTERNATE: A member of IFNA who is designated by a director. The responsibilities of the ALTERNATE include, but are not limited to FidoNews 5-31 Page 24 1 Aug 1988 acting as a replacement for the director in any instance of the director's absence. CHAIR: The person elected by the members of the Board of Directors, or a committee, to be responsible for the overall conduct of meetings of the body that elected the CHAIR. DIRECTOR: One of twenty-two individuals or appointed through due process to the office of Director of IFNA. To be eligible to become and remain a Director an individual must: - Be a current Member of IFNA in good standing. - Be able and willing to perform the duties of the position as established herein through the entire term of office. - Conform to such additional regulations and directives as may from time to time be established by the Board of Directors. Comments (B): ------------ To conform with license agreements with Tom Jennings. Minor clarification, conform with contract. Missing definition. These particulars could be changed, but this is what they appear to be now and it needs to be stated in a better manner in one place. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0002 (Membership) Present Wording: --------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) Associate Member. Any person who is not eligible to be a Regular Member, but who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by paying required dues. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. c) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. d) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. FidoNews 5-31 Page 25 1 Aug 1988 e) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must be listed in a nodelist; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) Associate Member. Any person who is listed in a nodelist, or who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by making application for membership. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. c) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. d) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. e) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. Comments (A): ------------ These changes are designed to broaden the scope of eligibility, and include all sysops who are listed in a FidoNet Compatible nodelist. Proposed Wording (B): -------------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) Associate Member. Any person who is not eligible to be a Regular Member, but who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by paying required dues. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. FidoNews 5-31 Page 26 1 Aug 1988 c) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. d) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. e) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. Any Life Member also satisfying the requirements of a Regular Member, Associate Member, or Commercial Member, shall be entitled to the full rights of such category. Comments (B): ------------ Remove ambiguity. Proposed Wording (C): -------------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) Associate Member. Any person who is not eligible to be a Regular Member, but who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by paying required dues. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. c) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. d) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. e) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. f) Freeloader member: Any person who applies for membership and is eligible to be a regular member but pays no membership dues; is nevertheless entitled to one vote. No correspondence shall be mailed to freeloader members at IFNA's expense, but only where a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage or International Reply Coupons is FidoNews 5-31 Page 27 1 Aug 1988 provided by the freeloader member. This applies to ballot papers sent by mail under articles 11 and 18 as well as to acknowledgment of membership, renewal notices and any other correspondence. NetMail from IFNA officers, BoD members and staff responding to NetMail from freeloader members may be held for pickup at the freeloader's expense. Note that this amendment requires the following minor changes to By-Laws 3 and 4, shown here for simplicity. Add to By-Law 3: Freeloader members shall be notified of renewal only by annual publication of their names and expiry dates in FidoNews. Such publication shall occur unless the freeloader member specifically requests otherwise by notice in writing posted to the Secretary. Add to article 4: Dues set for freeloader members shall always be zero and there shall be no additional charge for international freeloader members. Comments (C): ------------ The purpose of these amendments is to allow ALL public access SysOps to have a vote in electing the body that administers FidoNet, whether they wish to support IFNA financially or not, and to separate that issue from other issues that have been unnecessarily linked to it in alternative sets of proposed amendments. Proposed Wording (D): -------------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) Associate Member. Any person who is not eligible to be a Regular Member, but who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by paying required dues. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member. The membership committee will establish a set of criteria to recognize significant contributions to IFNA. Any person meeting these criteria is exempt from the dues requirement for the period established by the Membership Committee. c) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial FidoNews 5-31 Page 28 1 Aug 1988 Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. d) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. e) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. Comments (D): ------------ This amendment modifies the criteria for an individual to become a member of IFNA. The germane points here are that anyone wishing to support IFNA may become a member. It is not necessary to be an operator of a system to be a full voting member of IFNA. Dues are waived for those contributing significantly to IFNA. Proposed Wording (E): -------------------- The following membership categories are established: a) Regular Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have paid any dues required; is entitled to one vote. b) At-Large Member. To be eligible, an applicant: must be the system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS node; must have been listed in the IFNA NODELIST for 180 days prior to the ANNUAL MEETING of the membership; is entitled to one vote for the election of the At-Large Members of the Board of Directors only. c) Associate Member. Any person who is not eligible to be a Regular Member, but who is interested in electronic communications, is eligible to be an Associate Member by paying required dues. Associate Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. d) Commercial Member. Any entity using the IFNA NETWORK for the conduct of any business is eligible to be a Commercial Member by paying required dues. Any Commercial Member also satisfying the requirements to be a Regular Member shall be entitled to vote. e) Honorary Member. The Board of Directors may award Honorary Member status to any entity. Honorary Members have all of the rights of a Regular Member except the right to vote. f) Life Member. Any member may become a Life Member by paying the required dues. FidoNews 5-31 Page 29 1 Aug 1988 Comments (E): ------------ This amendment allows for greater input from the system operators in the election of At-Large Members of the Board of Directors. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0003 (Application and Notification) Present Wording: --------------- 2. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary. In the case of any applicant whose character, reputation or conduct might make him an undesirable member, the Secretary shall refer the application to the Executive Committee for review; in all other cases, the Secretary shall have the authority to grant membership. 3. The Secretary shall notify members of the expiration of their membership not less than thirty days prior to expiration. In determining membership status, memberships renewed within thirty days of expiration shall be regarded as continuous. Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- 2. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Membership Committee. In the case of any applicant whose character, reputation or conduct might make him an undesirable member, the Membership Committee shall refer the application to the Executive Committee for review; in all other cases, the Membership Committee shall have the authority to grant membership. 3. The Membership Committee shall notify members of the expiration of their membership not less than thirty days prior to expiration. In determining membership status, memberships renewed within thirty days of expiration shall be regarded as continuous. Comments (A): ------------ The secretary does not now, nor has he ever been, involved in membership. The application goes to the Treasurer, who notifies the Membership Services Committee, who sends out the membership card. Proposed Changes (B): -------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 30 1 Aug 1988 2. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary or the Secretary's designate. In the case of any applicant whose character, reputation or conduct might make him an undesirable member, the Secretary or the Secretary's designate shall refer the application to the Executive Committee for review; in all other cases, the Secretary or the Secretary's designate shall have the authority to grant membership. 3. The Secretary or the Secretary's designate shall notify members of the expiration of their membership not less than thirty days prior to expiration. In determining membership status, memberships renewed within thirty days of expiration shall be regarded as continuous. Comments (B): ------------ These tasks are distributed because there is too much for the Secretary to handle alone. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0004 (Annual Fees) Present Wording: --------------- 4. Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors, and be payable in advance. For members outside the United States, the Executive Committee shall assess such additional costs as may be required for destinations outside the United States. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 4. Annual Fees a) Annual membership fees shall be payable prior to enrollment as a member of the Association. b) The annual membership fees shall be assessed as follows: i) Regular Member $ 25.00 ii) Associate Member $ 20.00 iii) Commercial Member $ 100.00 iv) Honorary Member - No Fee All fees are shown in United States currency. c) The one-time membership fee for a Life Member shall be assessed at $200.00 in United States currency. FidoNews 5-31 Page 31 1 Aug 1988 d) All annual fees shall be payable on or before January 1st of each year. Any member who has not paid his annual fee on or before March 31st of that year shall be considered in default and the Secretary shall strike their name from the membership roll. e) Any member who is in arrears in payment of their annual fees shall not be allowed to vote in any election or poll of the Association until such arrears have been eliminated. f) The Board of Directors may, for cause, remit the whole or a portion of any annual fee. Comments: -------- The purpose of this revision is to clarify the fee schedule for membership and to allow the membership to provide input when setting the fees and fee structure. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0005 (Directors' Successors) Present Wording: --------------- 5. Every member of the Board of Directors shall: serve and continue in office until their successor shall have been elected; serve on at least one standing committee. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 5. Every member of the Board of Directors shall: serve and continue in office until their successor shall have been elected or appointed; serve on at least one standing committee. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0006 (Compensation) Present Wording: --------------- 6. All officers and directors shall serve without compensation in any form. Proposed Wording: FidoNews 5-31 Page 32 1 Aug 1988 ---------------- 6. All officers and directors shall serve without compensation in any form, except that they shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for justified expenses incurred on behalf of the corporation as provided for by the Articles of Association. Such reimbursement must be approved through the controls imposed by the Administration and Finance Committee. Comments: -------- Make consistent with Articles and intent. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0007 (Qualification) Present Wording: --------------- 7. No person shall be an officer or director unless they qualify under all applicable statutes. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 7. No person shall be an officer or director unless they qualify under all applicable statutes of all applicable jurisdictions including the State of Missouri and also meet all provisions provided for herein and in additional actions of the Board of Directors. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0008 (Representation) Present Wording: --------------- 9. The directors shall keep themselves informed as to conditions and activities of their constituents and as to the needs and desires of the members therein in order that they may faithfully and intelligently represent the true interests of such members. All directors shall attend all meetings of the Board. At least sixty days prior to each annual meeting of the Board of Directors each Divisional Director shall file with the Secretary a written report on the status of the affairs of IFNA in that division, together with a statement of their recommendations as to any actions required for the effective administration of the objectives and affairs of IFNA. FidoNews 5-31 Page 33 1 Aug 1988 Proposed Wording: ---------------- 9. The directors shall keep themselves informed as to conditions and activities of their constituents and as to the needs and desires of the members therein in order that they may faithfully and intelligently represent the true interests of such members. All directors shall attend all meetings of the Board. Within 30 days prior to each ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING of the Board of Directors and each ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, each Divisional Director shall file with the Secretary a written report on the status of the affairs of IFNA in that division, together with a statement of their recommendations as to any actions required for the effective administration of the objectives and affairs of IFNA. Likewise, each Officer of the corporation and each standing Committee Chairman shall be required to provide a report covering their particular areas of responsibility. Comments: -------- The sixty days lead time does not make sense in practice. It's implied that officers also do this elsewhere. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0009 (Nomination Deadline) Present Wording: --------------- 10. On any date not later than noon of the 120th day prior to the ANNUAL MEETING, nomination petitions ENDORSED by ten or more voting members and naming a member as a candidate for director, may be filed with the Secretary. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall solicit such petitions at least 180 days prior to the ANNUAL MEETING in FidoNews in each election year by a notice that will show the name of the incumbents. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 10. On any date not later than noon of the 60th day prior to the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, nomination petitions ENDORSED by ten or more voting members and naming a member as a candidate for director, may be filed with the Secretary. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall solicit such petitions at least 90 days prior to the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING in FidoNews in each election year by a notice that will show the name of the incumbents and will describe the FidoNews 5-31 Page 34 1 Aug 1988 rules and procedures for the upcoming election process. Comments: -------- Current lead times are too great in practice. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0010 (Nominations) Present Wording: --------------- 11. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall delete the name of any nominee who may be ineligible for election and the name of any who may withdraw by written communication. The remaining names shall be listed on a ballot, in alphabetical order. If there be but one eligible nominee, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall declare him elected without balloting by the membership. If there be more than one eligible nominee, then at least 45 days prior to the ANNUAL MEETING the Secretary shall send by mail to every voting member, and publish in FidoNews, a ballot listing the candidates for director. The ballot shall contain a copy of the current voting rules. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 11. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall delete the name of any nominee who may be ineligible for election and the name of any nominee who may withdraw by verified communication. The remaining names shall be listed on a ballot, in alphabetical order by position. If there be but one eligible nominee for a particular Divisional position the Nominations and Elections Committee shall declare that individual elected without balloting by the membership. This will not apply to the positions of At-large Director. The rules for a particular election may provide that write-in votes be acceptable for any position, except any position previously announced as uncontested. However, in no instance shall an individual be elected who does not qualify under all applicable statutes and provisions. At least 40 days prior to the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING the Secretary or the Secretary's designate shall send to every voting member, and publish in FidoNews, a ballot listing the candidates for director. The ballot shall contain a copy of the current voting rules. Comments: -------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 35 1 Aug 1988 Tie up several loose ends of procedure. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0011 (Ballots) Present Wording: --------------- 12. Mail BALLOTS, to be counted, shall reach the Secretary not later than the start of the ANNUAL MEETING. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 12. BALLOTS returned from members by mail, to be counted, shall reach the Secretary or such receiver designated in the published rules not later than the start of the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING or such earlier time as may be specified in the published rules for that election. Said time must be at least 40 days from the date the ballots were sent to the membership. Comments: -------- Forty days is reasonable for International Mail. It is quite possible that due to various reasons such as extra convention days prior to the meeting itself, that mail ballots might reach the required address a few days after the Secretary has left for the meeting. Specification of an earlier date is in order in such instances. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0012 (Vacant Position) Present Wording: --------------- 14. A director position shall be declared vacant by the Board of Directors if: a) there be no eligible nominee for that director position; b) a director is no longer able or willing to fulfill the responsibilities of that position and has not appointed an ALTERNATE. Proposed Wording: ---------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 36 1 Aug 1988 14. A director position shall be declared vacant by the Board of Directors if: a) there be no eligible nominee for that director position; or b) a director is no longer eligible, able or willing to fulfill the responsibilities of that position, as provided for herein and in such additional directives as may be established by the BoD, and there is no qualified ALTERNATE currently assigned. Comments: -------- Clarification of certain ambiguous points. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0013 (Alternates) Present Wording: --------------- 16. Each director shall designate in writing within 30 days after the election an eligible ALTERNATE. Failure to comply shall cause the ALTERNATE position to be declared vacant by the Board of Directors. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 16. Each director shall designate an eligible ALTERNATE in writing within 30 days after being validated for the position. Failure to comply shall cause the ALTERNATE position to be declared vacant by the Board of Directors. Comments: -------- Provide for omitted circumstances. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0014 (Elections) Present Wording: --------------- 17. A director shall be elected in each even-numbered year for each even-numbered division and an equal number of At-large FidoNews 5-31 Page 37 1 Aug 1988 directors and in each odd-numbered year for the remaining director positions. The term of each director shall be for two years. The terms of all directors shall begin as soon as the results of the election are declared official by the Secretary. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 17. Directors from even-numbered divisions shall be elected in each even-numbered year and Directors from odd-numbered divisions shall be elected in odd-numbered years. In each year, a number of At-large Directors shall be elected such that the total number of Directors being elected in each year is equal to half the total number of Directors. The term of each director shall be for two years, except that those replacing a Director during an existing term shall serve only to the completion of the original term. This two year term may be a few days more or less, depending upon the actual dates of the annual elections. The terms of all directors shall begin as soon as the results of the election or the appointment is declared official by the Secretary. Comments: -------- Clarification of ambiguous and contradictory points. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0015 (Recall Petition) Present Wording: --------------- 18. A recall petition shall be presented to the Secretary not later than 180 days prior to the end of the Director's term. A valid petition shall contain the signatures of not less than 10 percent of the number of voting members represented by that director. Upon certification by the Executive Committee that the petition is valid, the Secretary shall prepare a ballot asking the single question, "Shall the Director be recalled, yes or no". These ballots shall be mailed to all voting members represented by that director accompanied by the current voting rules. If a majority of the votes cast are for recall, then the office of director shall be declared vacant. No director shall be subject to more than one recall during a single term of office. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 18. A recall petition shall be presented to the Secretary not FidoNews 5-31 Page 38 1 Aug 1988 later than 90 days prior to the end of the Director's term. A valid petition shall contain the signatures of not less than 10 percent of the number of voting members represented by that director. Upon certification by the Executive Committee that the petition is valid, the Secretary shall prepare a ballot asking the single question, "Shall the Director be recalled, yes or no". These ballots shall be mailed to all voting members represented by that director, accompanied by the current voting rules. If a majority of the votes cast are for recall, then the office of director shall be declared vacant. No director shall be subject to more than one recall during a single term of office. Comments: -------- 180 days is far too long in practice. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0016 (Annual Business Meeting) Present Wording: --------------- 19. The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at a location near the place of business designated in the Articles of Association on the third Friday of February of each year. The places of additional meetings shall be designated by the Chair of the Board and notified by the Secretary. The times and places of the meetings may be changed provided that specific provision is made by: a) majority vote of the directors at the preceding meeting or b) majority vote of the directors by mail initiated by the Executive Committee or on petition of at least five directors, such mail vote to be taken at least 45 days prior to the date proposed for the meeting. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 19. The ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING of the Board of Directors shall be held at a location near the place of business designated in the Articles of Association on the third Friday and/or weekend of February of each year. The places of additional meetings shall be designated by the Chair of the Board and notified by the Secretary. The times and places of the meetings may be changed provided that specific provision is made by: FidoNews 5-31 Page 39 1 Aug 1988 a) majority vote of the directors at the preceding meeting or b) majority vote of the directors by verifiable ballot initiated by the Executive Committee or on petition of at least five directors, such vote to be taken at least 30 days prior to the dates proposed for the meeting. Comments: -------- Provide a more flexible means of establishing date of ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0017 (Agenda) Present Wording: --------------- 22. Prior to any meeting of the Board of Directors, the Secretary, upon consideration of the reports of the officers and directors, shall establish an agenda for the meeting. Proposals for amendment of the agenda or for the deletion or addition of items shall be the first order of business. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 22. Prior to any meeting of the Board of Directors, the Secretary or the Secretary's designate, upon consideration of the reports of the officers and directors, shall establish an agenda for the meeting. Proposals for amendment of the agenda or for the deletion or addition of items or for establishment of special rules or procedures for the meeting shall be the first order of business. Comments: -------- Clarification of ambiguous points. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0018 (Voting Divisions) Present Wording: --------------- 24. The following voting divisions are established: FidoNews 5-31 Page 40 1 Aug 1988 Division 2 Europe, Africa Division 10 USA: CA NV Division 11 USA: IL IN KY MI OH WI Canada: ON PQ PEI NS NB Division 12 USA: HI Asia, Australia, Antarctica Division 13 USA: DE DC MD NJ NY PA VA Division 14 USA: IA KS MN MO NB ND SD Division 15 USA: AZ CO NM UT WY Division 16 USA: CT ME MA NH RI VT Division 17 USA: AK ID MT OR WA Canada: BC ALB SSK Division 18 USA: AL FL GA MS NC SC TN Division 19 USA: AR LA OK TX South America, Mexico, Central America Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- 24. The following voting divisions are established: Division 2 Europe, Africa, Middle East Division 3 Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica Division 10 USA: CA NV Division 11 USA: IL IN KY MI OH WI Canada: NFLD ON PQ PEI NS NB Division 12 USA: HI Asia, India Division 13 USA: DE DC MD NJ NY PA VA Division 14 USA: IA KS MN MO NB ND SD Division 15 USA: AZ CO NM UT WY Division 16 USA: CT ME MA NH RI VT Division 17 USA: AK ID MT OR WA Canada: BC ALB SSK MAN YK NWT Division 18 USA: AL FL GA MS NC SC TN Division 19 USA: AR LA OK TX South America, Mexico, Central America Proposed Wording (B): -------------------- 24. The following voting divisions are established: Division 2 Europe, Africa Division 3 Australia, Southern Pacific Division 4 Alternet Division 5 GoodEggNet Division 6 Canada Division 7 Central and South America Division 8 IL IN KY MI OH WI Division 9 DE DC MD NJ NY PA VA Division 10 IA KS MN MO NB ND SD Division 11 AZ CO NM UT WY Division 12 CT ME MA NH RI VT FidoNews 5-31 Page 41 1 Aug 1988 Division 13 AL HI ID MT OR WA Division 14 AL FL GA MS NC SC TN Division 15 AR LA OK TX These divisions may be changed by a two thirds vote of the Board of Directors, and should include new zones and new Nodelists of over 100 systems. Comments (B) ----------- The current system does not give enough representation on the board to overseas areas and tends to be inflexible. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0019 (Secretary Responsibilities) Present Wording: --------------- 27. The Secretary shall: a) record the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and of the Executive Committee; b) promptly furnish copies of the minutes of these meetings to all officers and members of the Board; c) publish such minutes in FidoNews; d) be responsible for the maintenance of the corporate status of IFNA and the filing of all reports and certificates which may be required of IFNA under the corporation laws of the State of Missouri; e) be the archivist of IFNA; f) maintain the corporate membership and voting records of IFNA; g) perform other duties as described in applicable By-Laws. h) To the extent that may from time to time be required by law, the Secretary shall act as agent for the service of process but only while present in the State of Missouri and is not authorized to accept service of process elsewhere. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 28. The Secretary shall: FidoNews 5-31 Page 42 1 Aug 1988 a) record the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and of the Executive Committee; b) promptly furnish copies of the minutes of these meetings to all officers and members of the Board; c) publish such minutes in FidoNews; d) be responsible for the maintenance of the corporate status of IFNA and the filing of all reports and certificates which may be required of IFNA under the corporation laws of the State of Missouri; e) be the archivist of IFNA; f) maintain voting records of IFNA; g) performs other duties as described in applicable Bylaws. To the extent that may from time to time be required by law, he shall act as agent for the service of process but only while present in the State of Missouri and he is not authorized to accept service of process elsewhere. Comments: -------- Eliminates the requirement that the secretary maintain the membership roster. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0020 (VP-TC Responsibilities) Present Wording: --------------- 29. The Vice President - Technical Coordinator shall: a) be responsible for maintenance and distribution of the master NODELIST; b) creation and distribution of the weekly update file for the master NODELIST; c) ensuring the smooth operation of the IFNA NETWORK as prescribed by the Board of Directors; d) serve as a member of the Technical Standards Committee. Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- 29. The Vice President - Technical Coordinator shall: FidoNews 5-31 Page 43 1 Aug 1988 a) serve as a member of the Technical Standards Committee, b) and be responsible for the development and publication of standards for system software so as to ensure compatibility between the various nodes. The VP-TC will assist the various Coordinators in technical matters. Comments (A): ------------ This change to eliminate the implied or perceived implication of that IFNA desires or wants to control the nodelist. The reference to the IC is dropped and would no longer be a IFNA position. Proposed Wording (B): -------------------- 29. The Vice President - Technical Coordinator shall be responsible for assuring the: a) Maintenance and distribution of the master NODELIST; b) Creation and distribution of the weekly update file for the master NODELIST; c) Smooth operation of the FIDONET NETWORK as prescribed by the membership through due process. In the performance of such duties, the day-to-day operation of which is delegated d) serve as a member of the Technical Standards Committee. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0021 (Standing Committees) Present Wording: --------------- 30. Standing committees: a) The following standing committees are established: - Administration and Finance - Executive Committee - Nominations and Elections - By-Laws and Rules - Technical Standards - Publications - International Affairs FidoNews 5-31 Page 44 1 Aug 1988 - Membership Services b) Each standing committee shall include among its members at least one director. Additionally, the Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Administration and Finance Committee. Appointments of all standing committee members shall be made by the President at the Annual Meeting and shall be for a term of one year. The Chair of the Board shall designate the chair of each committee. Standing committees shall make written reports at least 30 days prior to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Standing committees may originate studies in their fields and may generate recommendations to the Board on their own initiative. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 30. Standing committees: a) The following standing committees are established: - Administration and Finance - Executive Committee - Nominations and Elections - By-Laws and Rules - Technical Standards - Publications - International Affairs - Membership Services b) Each standing committee shall include among its members at least one director. Additionally, the Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Administration and Finance Committee. Initial appointments of all standing committee members shall be made by the President at the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING. Additional appointments may be made periodically by the President or the President's designate. The Chairman of the Board shall designate the chairman of each committee. The terms of office for all Committee Members shall extend only until the next ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING. Standing committees shall make written reports within 30 days prior to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Standing committees may originate studies in their fields and may generate recommendations to the Board on their own initiative. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0022 (Administration and Finance Committee) Present Wording: --------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 45 1 Aug 1988 31. The Administration and Finance Committee: a) Reviews IFNA management performance and effectiveness, including IFNA finances, on a continuing basis. b) On an annual basis, reviews the operating budget prepared by the Treasurer for the coming year and, after approval, forwards to the Board of Directors for ratification at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. c) Reviews intermediate and long term budgetary projections as prepared by the Treasurer and makes appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. d) Makes recommendations to the Board in connection with audit and tax matters, and acts as a Board audit committee. e) Is responsible to the presentation of an annual financial report which shall be presented to the Board and the Membership. f) Makes recommendations to the Board and the President in areas of staff management, procedures and remuneration. g) Acts as adviser to and supervisor of the Treasurer in regard to the investment of IFNA's funds. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 31. The Administration and Finance Committee: a) Reviews IFNA management performance and effectiveness, including IFNA finances, on a continuing basis. b) On an annual basis, reviews the operating budget prepared by the Treasurer for the coming year and, after approval, forwards to the Board of Directors for ratification at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. c) Reviews intermediate and long term budgetary projections as prepared by the Treasurer and makes appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. d) Makes recommendations to the Board in connection with audit and tax matters, and acts as a Board audit committee. e) Is responsible to the presentation of an annual financial report which shall be presented to the Board and the Membership. f) Makes recommendations to the Board and the President in areas of staff management, procedures and remuneration. g) Acts as adviser to and supervisor of the Treasurer in regard FidoNews 5-31 Page 46 1 Aug 1988 to the investment of IFNA's funds. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0023 (By-Laws and Rules Committee) Present Wording: --------------- 35. The By-Laws and Rules Committee shall be responsible for review and any suggestion of changes to these by-laws. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 35. The By-Laws and Rules Committee shall be responsible for review and processing of suggestions of change to these by- laws. The committee will review suggested changes submitted by appropriate parties and shall have the right to revise, combine, or omit such suggestions or portions thereof in the preparation of the final ballot. However, in the event that a suggested change is received for which the endorsement of at least five per cent of the membership has been received by the Secretary, said suggested change must appear on the ballot as is, in its entirety. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0024 (Fidonews) Present Wording: --------------- 39. There shall be an official publication maintained by IFNA, in the form of a weekly journal, the name of which shall be FidoNews. A copy of this journal shall be available each week to every member of IFNA in good standing. The general management of this journal shall be in the hands of the President. The policy of the journal shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Proposed Wording: ---------------- 40. There shall be an official publication maintained by IFNA, in the form of a weekly journal, the name of which shall be FidoNews. A copy of this journal shall be available each week to all listed nodes. The general management of this journal shall be in the hands of the President. The policy of the FidoNews 5-31 Page 47 1 Aug 1988 journal shall be to publish all submitted articles of interest to the FidoNet community, within the bounds of legality and good taste. Comments: -------- This change is to eliminate the reference that the journal is only for IFNA members, and to give some firm direction to the editorial staff. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0025 (By-Law Amendments) Present Wording: --------------- 40. These By-Laws may be amended or changed by majority vote of the membership during any election. To get the amendment or change included on the ballot, text of the proposal must be received by the Secretary at least 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the election. Proposed Wording (A): -------------------- 40. Amendments to the By-Laws a) Proposed amendments to the By-Laws may be submitted by the Board of Directors or by any ten members over their signature and, subject to subsection b), shall, when so submitted, be placed before the next Annual or Special Meeting of the Members of IFNA. Amendments to the By-Laws may be effected at any such meeting by majority vote of the membership casting Ballots as defined in subsection e). b) All proposed amendments must be received by the Secretary at least 60 days prior to the scheduled vote date in order to be included on the Ballot. They will then be forwarded to the By-Laws committee for preparation for inclusion on the Ballot. c) The By-Laws Committee is responsible for any proposed amendments to the By-Laws. To this end, all proposals must be forwarded by the Secretary to the By-Laws Committee for inclusion on the Ballot. The Committee reserves the right to edit, combine, or expand the submissions provided that any changes made do not substantially change the original intent of the proposal. In the event of conflicting suggestions, the proposed amendments may be presented on the Ballot in the form of a "multiple choice" where only one of the suggestions may be selected. FidoNews 5-31 Page 48 1 Aug 1988 d) All proposed amendments will be of the form "old wording" / "new wording" including By-Law reference numbers where applicable. This is intended to clarify the changes proposed. e) Ballots will be accepted from members in good standing through regular postal service addressed to the Secretary and must be received no later than the Annual or Special Meeting. Alternately, Ballots will be accepted from members in good standing provided they are hand delivered to the Secretary or his designate at the Annual or Special Meeting, no later than the announced time for the closing of the polls. f) A certified public accountant (or equivalent) will receive and collate all mail Ballots received prior to the Annual or Special Meeting, and will be responsible for the receipt, tabulation and verification of all Ballots cast before the close of voting. The certified public accountant will present and certify the results of the balloting. g) In the event of a tie, the current (outgoing) President shall cast the deciding vote. Comments (A): ------------ The purpose of this revision is to clarify the procedure to be followed in order to effect changes to the By-Laws. The proposed amendments allow for debate on any revisions prior to voting at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. Proposed Wording (B): -------------------- 40. These By-Laws may be amended or changed by majority vote of the membership during any election or by vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors. Such changes implemented by the Board of Directors must appear on the next ballot for confirmation by the membership, but shall be in effect during the interim period. The nature of all changes must be within the the guidelines established by the Articles of Association. Any member may submit suggested changes for consideration. To provide an amendment or change for such consideration, text of the proposal must be received by the Secretary or the Secretary's designate at least 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the election. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0026 (Non-Compliance) FidoNews 5-31 Page 49 1 Aug 1988 Present Wording: --------------- N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- ##. No election shall be declared invalid by reason of non- compliance with the provisions of the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION or these By-Laws or by reason of any mistake or irregularity, if it appears to the Board that the election was conducted in accordance with the principles or intent as expressed specifically or clearly intended in these By-Laws, and that such non-compliance, mistake or irregularity did not affect the result of the election. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0027 (Financial Audit) Present Wording: --------------- N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- ##. In order to provide accurate and timely financial information to the membership: a) The Board shall appoint a certified public accountant to be the auditor of the Association. b) The auditor shall annually, or as required by the Board, audit the books and accounts of IFNA, and shall, annually after the completion of the fiscal year, furnish a statement of IFNA's financial affairs, which shall be presented at the Annual Meeting of Members of IFNA. c) The fiscal year of IFNA shall end on December 31 of each year. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0028 (Trademarks) Present Wording: --------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 50 1 Aug 1988 N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- *Fido and FidoNet are trademarks of Fido Software. [move to bottom of first page] Comments: -------- To meet requirements of license agreements with Tom Jennings. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0029 (Conduct of Business) Present Wording: --------------- N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- ##. The Board of Directors, all Committees, and such other corporate bodies as may apply, are encouraged to utilize established and innovative methods of telecommunications for the conduct of the affairs of the corporation. However, such use must be subject to other specific provisions herein contained and to the establishment of reasonable procedures and controls to guarantee that the integrity of the processes are maintained and that the interests of the membership are served. Comments: -------- Addition of important clause to our operations. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0030 (Meeting Precedence) Present Wording: --------------- N/A FidoNews 5-31 Page 51 1 Aug 1988 Proposed Wording: ---------------- ##. At any meeting of the Board of Directors the following precedence shall be in effect: a) The results of any elections of Director shall be validated and take effect. b) Results of any voting for changes to the By-laws shall then be validated and take effect. c) All remaining business may then proceed under the new conditions. Comments: -------- Clarification of an ambiguous point. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0031 (Zones) Present Wording: --------------- N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- ##. IFNA recognizes the need to expand the method by which Networks may join IFNA. IFNA also recognizes that telecommunications is rapidly advancing, and different networks with different organizations, policies, and telecommunications mechanisms will arise. DEFINITIONS: ZONE: An autonomous network which has joined IFNA. NODELIST: The set of documents which define a Network at the ZONE level. Each Zone must file an agreement which defines the set of interactions it will allow IFNA to have with the Zone, this set of interactions must be acceptable to IFNA and defines the jurisdiction IFNA has over the Zone. Zones 1, 2, and 3 will operate under the current set of rules, regulations and policies of IFNA for a period not to exceed six (6) months from the adoption of this amendment, or FidoNews 5-31 Page 52 1 Aug 1988 until an agreement between IFNA and the Zone is reached which is agreeable to both, whichever comes sooner. If the Zone and IFNA do not reach agreement within the allotted time, the Zone will be removed from the IFNA nodelist, but all IFNA members in the Zone will retain membership voting rights. A Zone applying for IFNA membership must meet the following criteria: i) Be an operational Network with over fifty (50) nodes. ii) Be a Network which is not operated for profit, and which allows public access as defined by IFNA. iii) Establish a grievance procedure within the Network for IFNA members to follow for resolving any grievances involving IFNA. iv) Present to IFNA a set of individuals from within the Network to fill the required IFNA organizational positions. The method of selecting these individuals is determined by the Network. v) Have an existing Nodelist, Network Map or other set of documents which define the Network. Deliver this document to the Vice-President of Technical Operations, and deliver updates periodically as agreed to by IFNA. This document will be referred to as the Nodelist. This Nodelist need not conform to the current nodelist format(s) in use by IFNA at the time of application (IFNA realizes that not all networks use the current format) but it must contain enough information to allow telecommunications between the Network and other Zones. The Vice-President Technical Operations will determine if the Nodelist is sufficient. vi) Establish an operational gateway for telecommunications between the Network and other IFNA Zones. vii) Agree to abide by the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of IFNA for all matters pertaining to IFNA. That is, actually be a Zone in IFNA while retaining all rights not in the agreement with IFNA. The Board of Directors will establish a "ZONE COMMITTEE" for including all changes to current operating procedures, and modifications to the current set of BY-LAWS, such as BY-LAW 24 which defines the voting divisions, to accommodate this expansion of IFNA. The Vice-President Technical Operations, the chairman of the FidoNet Technical Standards committee, the current ZoneGate operator for Zones 1, 2 and 3, and four (4) additional members appointed by the Board of Directors will be the initial members of the ZONE COMMITTEE. The ZONE COMMITTEE FidoNews 5-31 Page 53 1 Aug 1988 will have no more then three (3) months to prepare these changes. Upon completion of the changes the Election committee will prepare ballots to be mailed to all IFNA members for voting on the changes. The ballot will contain the full text of the changes and a single choice -- "accept or reject". If the vote of the IFNA membership is reject, then: i) Each Zone in the IFNA nodelist will revert to operation under "FidoNet policy 3" published by Tom Jennings, and IFNA will stop all operations involving the zones, regions, networks and nodes except for preparation and distribution of FidoNews, the Nodelist, and the Nodediff. ii) The duties of the Region Coordinators will be restricted to distribution of the Nodelist, Nodediff, and FidoNews and processing of updates to the nodelist. ALL updates from the individual networks will be accepted and processed. iii) The Network Coordinators will operate their Networks as they choose within the constraints of Policy 3. iv) Individual nodes will operate their nodes as they choose within the constraints of Policy 3. Comments: -------- This amendment represents the agreement between Zones and IFNA. It limits the power of IFNA to the administration of the interactions of Zones (networks), while at the same time returning IFNA to a central position of acting as a distributor publisher of a set of Nodelists which are available to ALL Zones in IFNA. It will likely result in a large amount of flames, but essentially it "pulls IFNA back" to the administrative role, leaving the operation and policies of the Network(s) to the Network(s). It also allows for a large political structure which can supply a lot of service without getting into the Network itself. This should surely please a large amount of people. -------------------- Docket Number BLA-88-0032 (Grievance Committee) Present Wording: --------------- N/A Proposed Wording: ---------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 54 1 Aug 1988 ##. A Grievance Committee is hereby established. Membership consists of one member (1) from each Zone in IFNA, and one member from the Board of Directors. Each Zone member will serve for a term defined by that Zone, but not to exceed five (5) years. The member from the Board of directors will have a term of 1 year, and will be elected by the Board of Directors. The Grievance Committee will hear and resolve all grievances involving IFNA and IFNA members within a Zone which have not been resolved within thirty (30) days to the satisfaction of the IFNA member. The Grievance Committee will resolve the grievance within 30 days. The resolution will be binding on the person filing the grievance and on the Zone. Resolution will be based upon the then current articles of association of IFNA and the agreement between IFNA and the Zone. Comments: -------- This amendment assumes that the methods of grievance resolution within a ZONE have been tried and has not been resolved in a manner satisfactory to the IFNA member. The rights of an IFNA member in this context are limited to matters involving IFNA. When the Zone joined IFNA it agreed to a set of rules and procedures. Only those rules and procedures agreed to between the Zone and IFNA may be the basis of a grievance to IFNA. -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 55 1 Aug 1988 OFFICERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION Ken Kaplan 100/22 Chairman of the Board Don Daniels 107/210 President Mark Grennan 147/1 Vice President Dave Dodell 114/15 Vice President - Technical Coordinator David Garrett 103/501 Secretary Leonard Mednick 345/1 Treasurer IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIVISION AT-LARGE 10 Steve Jordan 102/2871 Don Daniels 107/210 11 Bill Allbritten 11/301 Hal DuPrie 101/106 12 Leonard Mednick 345/1 Mark Grennan 147/1 13 Rick Siegel 107/27 Brad Hicks 100/523 14 Ken Kaplan 100/22 Ted Polczyinski 154/5 15 Jim Cannell 128/13 Kurt Reisler 109/74 16 Vince Perriello 141/491 Robert Rudolph 261/628 17 Rob Barker 138/34 Greg Small 148/122 18 Christopher Baker 135/14 Bob Swift 140/24 19 Vernon Six 19/0 Larry Wall 15/18 2 Henk Wevers 2:500/1 Gee Wong 107/312 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 56 1 Aug 1988 __ The World's First / \ BBS Network /|oo \ * FidoNet * (_| /_) _`@/_ \ _ | | \ \\ | (*) | \ )) ______ |__U__| / \// / Fido \ _//|| _\ / (________) (_/(_|(____/ (tm) Membership for the International FidoNet Association Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that pays the annual membership fee. IFNA serves the international FidoNet-compatible electronic mail community to increase worldwide communications. Name __________________________________ Date ___________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________ State ________________________________ Zip _____________________ Country _________________________________________________________ Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Is this a new application? _________ a renewal? ________________ Are you a Sysop? _________ If so, for how long? ________________ Your BBS Info: (Non-Sysops enter info for your most-called BBS) Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________ BBS Name ________________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________ Your Special Interests __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Are there any special resources that you could provide? _________ _________________________________________________________________ Regular Membership $25 Lifetime Membership $250 Send this form and a check or money order in US Funds to: International FidoNet Association c/o Leonard Mednick, CPA 700 Bishop Street, #1014 Honolulu, HI 96813 USA IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization. Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the membership in January 1987. The IFNA Echomail Conference has been established on FidoNet to assist the Board of Directors. We welcome your input on this Conference. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-31 Page 57 1 Aug 1988 INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION ORDER FORM Publications The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido 1:1/10 or other FidoNet compatible systems, or by purchasing them directly from IFNA. We ask that all our IFNA Committee Chairmen provide us with the latest versions of each publication, but we can make no written guarantees. Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986 IFNA Fido BBS listing $15.00 _____ IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs $10.00 _____ IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs $10.00 _____ SUBTOTAL _____ IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers System Enhancement Associates SEAdog $60.00 _____ SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987 ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet $100.00 _____ Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987 ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member International orders include $10.00 for surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping _____ SUBTOTAL _____ HI. Residents add 4.0 % Sales tax _____ TOTAL _____ SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN US FUNDS: International FidoNet Association c/o Leonard Mednick, MBA, CPA 700 Bishop Street, #1014 Honolulu, HI. 96813-4112 USA Name________________________________ Zone:Net/Node____:____/____ Company_____________________________ Address_____________________________ City____________________ State____________ Zip_____ Voice Phone_________________________ Signature___________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------