/* Fido13 -- load/initialize state machine 3 Sep 93 Tom Jennings tomj@wps.com (3 Sep 93) copyright 1993 */ #include #include "fido.h" /* State machine string sizes, limited for space/performance reasons, to mamimum... */ #define MAXLABEL 16 /* ...of state label */ #define MAXNAME 30 /* ...of state name */ #define MAXINPUT 1 /* ...of user input */ #define MAXACTION 80 /* ...of action */ /* Symbol table, holding defined menu names (groups, flagged with ':label') */ struct _symtbl { /* state label table */ char name[MAXLABEL + 1];/* name of label */ struct _state *state; /* ptr to state it references */ }; static struct _symtbl *symtbl; /* our symbol table */ static unsigned symtbln; /* number of entries (for size calc) */ unsigned staten; /* number of states loaded (size calc, etc) */ unsigned group; /* group of states (making up a menu), 1 - N */ struct _state *find_state(); /* Load states into memory from a text file; return 0 if error. */ load_machine(fn) char *fn; { FILE *f; short foo; /* error detector */ int i; char *cp,buff[400]; /* line buffer, etc */ unsigned lineno; /* input file line number */ if ((f= fopen(fn,"r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't find config file \"fido.conf\"\n"); return(0); } current_state= bliss= (struct _state *) malloc(0);/* set a ptr anyways */ staten= 0; /* no states yet */ group= 1; /* start group with 1 */ symtbl= (struct _symtbl *) malloc(0); /* empty symbol table */ symtbln= 0; for (lineno= 0, foo= 1; foo;) { if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), f) == NULL) break; ++lineno; /* count another line */ for (cp= buff; *cp; ++cp) /* strip newlines */ if (*cp == '\n') *cp= '\0'; if (! buff[0]) continue; /* ignore blank lines */ if (buff[0] == '#') continue; /* and comments */ if (buff[0] == ':') { /* if a label definition */ foo= add_label(&buff[1], lineno); /* remember this label */ ++group; /* new group/menu number */ continue; } foo= add_state(buff, lineno, group); /* add state, check errors */ } fclose(f); return(foo); } /* Add a new label to the symbol table; return 0 if it already exists. */ add_label(name, lineno) char *name; unsigned lineno; { unsigned i; char buff[MAXLABEL + 1]; name[MAXLABEL + 1]= '\0'; /* possibly truncate */ cpyarg(buff, name); /* clean copy */ for (i= 0; i < symtbln; i++) { if (strcmp(symtbl[i].name, buff) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"fido: label \"%s\" previously defined\n", symtbl[i].name); return(0); /* return error */ } } /* else add a new one */ symtbl= (struct _symtbl *) realloc((void *) symtbl, (++symtbln * sizeof(struct _symtbl))); strcpy(symtbl[symtbln].name, buff); /* add a new table entry */ symtbl[symtbln].state= current_state; /* refers to this state */ return(1); /* return no-error */ } /* Given a label name, return a pointer to the associated state or 0 for error */ struct _state * find_state(name) char *name; { int i; char buff[MAXLABEL + 1]; name[MAXLABEL + 1]= '\0'; /* truncate it */ cpyarg(buff, name); /* clean copy */ for (i= 0; i < symtbln; i++) if (strcmp(buff, symtbl[i].name) == 0) return(symtbl[i].state); return((struct _state *) 0); /* not found! */ } /* Add a new state to the in-memory state machine; if error return 0. */ add_state(s, lineno, group) char *s; unsigned lineno; /* line number, for error reports */ unsigned group; /* group/menu number */ { char buff[MAXLABEL + 1]; struct _state *t; bliss= (struct _state *) realloc((void *) bliss, (++staten * sizeof(struct _state))); if (bliss == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Fido: realloc in add_state sez we're outa memory!"); return(0); } current_state-> next= current_state; /* assume no "next" */ current_state-> menu= group; /* which menu group */ if (add_field(&s, ¤t_state-> name, 1, MAXNAME, "state name", lineno)) return(0); if (add_field(&s, ¤t_state-> input, 1, MAXINPUT, "input character", lineno)) return(0); if (add_field(&s, ¤t_state-> action, 0, MAXACTION, "action", lineno)) return(0); if (add_field(&s, &buff, 0, MAXLABEL, "next state", lineno)) return(0); /* 'next state' is optional; if given find the target state, return error if not found. If not specified this state points to itself. */ if (*buff) current_state-> next= t= find_state(buff); current_state= &bliss[staten]; /* new "current" state */ return((int) t); /* return 0 if error */ } /* Given a ptr to the line read from the input file, fill out one field in a structure, allocating space for it as necessary, and error-checking its length. Returns 0 if OK. */ add_field(s, field, minimum, maximum, what, lineno) char **s; /* ptr to input string ptr */ char **field; /* ptr to field string ptr */ unsigned minimum, maximum; /* min, max field lengths */ char *what; /* name of field, for error reports */ unsigned lineno; /* line number, for error reports */ { unsigned n; char buff[101]; n= copyqstr(s, buff, sizeof(buff)); /* process string */ if (error_check(n, minimum, maximum, what, lineno)) /* check length */ return(1); *field= (char *) malloc(n + 1); /* allocate space for string */ if (*field == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc (%s) sez we're outa memory!\n", what); return(1); } strcpy(*field, buff); /* copy into place */ return(0); } /* Error-check the string length. Return 0 if OK. */ error_check(n, minimum, maximum, what, lineno) unsigned n, minimum, maximum; char *what; /* name of field, for error reports */ unsigned lineno; /* line number, for error reports */ { if (n < minimum) fprintf(stderr, "%s is too short in line #%u\n", what, lineno); else if (n > maximum) fprintf(stderr, "%s is too long (missing quote?) in line #%u\n", what, lineno); else return(0); return(1); /* get that? */ } /* Copy a (possibly) quoted string, up to the closing quote or terminating comma. Returns the number of characters stored in the output string, and leaves the input pointer pointing to the character following the last one used. This accepts quoted strings (if the firs tnon-blank character is a ") or single, isolated words. */ copyqstr(s, dp, len) char **s; /* ptr to input pointer */ char *dp; /* dest. pointer */ unsigned len; /* max. string length */ { char run, q, *ip; unsigned l; /* chars stored so far */ ip= *s; /* get string ptr */ l= 0; while (*ip) { if ((*ip != ' ') && /* skip leading blanks, */ (*ip != '\t')) /* and tabs */ break; } if ((q= *ip) == '"') ++ip; else q= ','; /* if " skip, else set to , */ while (*ip) { if (*ip == '\\') { /* if a literal */ if (*(ip + 1)) *dp++= *++ip; /* copy anything */ } if (*ip == q) break; /* stop on comma/quote */ if ((q != '"') && (*ip == ' ')) break; /* stop on trailing space if not quoted */ if (l < len) *dp++= *ip++; /* copy the character */ if (l < len) ++l; /* count it */ } *dp= '\0'; /* terminate it */ while (*ip) if (*ip++ == ',') break; /* skip anything before comma */ *s= ip; /* set new ptr */ return(l); }