\input tex \twelvepointroman {\noindent\parskip=0pt\obeylines 17 May 1991 \vbox to 0pt { % TO address, etc Jane Baier Intex Solutions 161 Highland Ave Needham MA 02194 (617)-449-6222 } \leftskip3in\vbox{ % FROM Tom Jennings Fido Software 666 Illinois San Francisco CA 94107 (415)-552-8156 } } \vskip.6in Thank you for calling me regarding this trademark issue. As you¨ can see from the enclosed copies, the word ``Fido'' has been¨ registered to me for some time. It is still very active in¨ national commerce. I am not interested in taking any legal action, my only goal is¨ see that my trademarks are protected; it will suffice to¨ immediately stop using the mark(s). I would appreciate an example¨ of your usage of mark currently, for my files, and once it has¨ been removed, a sample copy of the new matter. This correction¨ will completely satisfy my requirements on this issue. And thanks once again for replying so quickly. I'm sure this can¨ be taken care of to our mutual satisfaction. \vskip.4in {\leftskip3in\obeylines\parskip=0pt Sincerely, \vskip.5in Tom Jennings } \bye