\input vanilla.sty \input defs.tex \font\rm=cmss12 \rm \font\it=cmssi12 \font\sans=cmss12 \parskip=12pt plus 2pt minus 1pt \baselineskip=13pt plus .1pt minus .1pt \parindent=12pt { % % Header stuff % \parskip=0pt \obeylines \line{\hskip4.6in 11 January 1990 % DATE \hfill } \vbox to 0pt { % TO address, etc International FidoNet Association Ken Kaplan Box 41143 St. Louis MO 63141 } {\leftskip4.6in\vbox{ % FROM Fido Software Tom Jennings 164 Shipley San Francisco CA 94107 (415)-764-1688 }}} \vskip\parskip \item{1.}This letter is to inform IFNA that I am terminating our¨ Trademark License Agreement that allows IFNA the use of my¨ trademarks, commencing 28 February 1990. \item{2.}The vote by the network members this past 1 December¨ 1989 clearly indicates that IFNA does not represent the wishes¨ and needs of the FidoNet network at large, and therefore myself. \vskip1in \line{\hskip3in Tom Jennings\hfill} \bye